Tag: energy efficiency
Understanding Green Buildings: a way of life!
Cities are coming up at a massive scale across the world, rural infrastructure is being replaced by the modern, urban infrastructure. This is causing a massive push to the construction sector as we see buildings coming up around us all the time. Be it new houses, new office areas, old houses and old buildings being…
Green Chemistry: No longer a Mystery
“Green chemistry represents the pillars that hold up our sustainable future. It is imperative to teach the value of green chemistry to tomorrow’s chemists.” very rightly quoted by Daryle Busch, explains the need of the hour, the need of the planet. Green technology is the solution to it, to end it all, to end the…
Be the Change!
Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the change you that you wish to see in the world” is quite relevant in today’s world when there are so many issues across the globe that need our attention. Climate change and global warming is one such concern. Governments, businesses and the civil society together need to take action…