Tag: Minerals

  • Organic Foods – Way to a better future?

    Organic Foods – Way to a better future?

    ‘Is our future safe?’, ‘What kind of planet are we going to leave for our progeny?’ Or in some extreme cases ‘Do we even have a future?’ These are some of the concerns that have been given voice to with increasingly alarming frequency in the recent past. One cannot help but wonder if our planet…



    Nature has bestowed us with many gifts. They are commonly called as NATURAL RESOURCES. The natural resource has made this planet liveable and have supported the evolution and sustenance of living organisms. Natural resources can be classified as PHYSICAL RESOURCES or BIOTIC RESOURCES  and in another way as RENEWABLE or NON RENEWABLE RESOURCES. As India…

  • Mango- the “super fruit” and its health benefits

    Mango- the “super fruit” and its health benefits

    If there is one thing which is awaited eagerly other than the advent of the monsoon in India, then, undoubtedly, it is the advent of the mango season. The mounds and mounds of fleshy mangoes that inundate the markets each year are the only silver lining to the hot months of summer. Mango is called…

  • Best Natural Foods In India..

    Best Natural Foods In India..

                    After a lot of research on the web, I have noticed that it’s very difficult to put the natural foods under one name. So, we are going to distinguish or classify the naturally available best foods under different categories. Under each category we will have five best…

  • Healthy Brain– Healthy Food…

    Healthy Brain– Healthy Food…

    Everybody believes in one thing, that you have to eat good food to keep your bones and muscles healthy. Since we think through our brains, we forget for the most part that there is a skull and inside it there is a also a lump of convoluted muscle called brain present, by saying bones and…