Tag: overpopulation

  • Resource Management: Sustainable Development Mantra

    Resource Management: Sustainable Development Mantra

    Resources are finite but human needs and desires are uncontrollable and limitless. This statement made by an economist made the mantra edition popped out in my head with the most common mantra of the generation: Sustainable development plan. It is where economic growth and environmental growth go hand in hand. We have not inherited this…

  • Overpopulation: The impact on our environment

    Overpopulation: The impact on our environment

    With the accelerated rate of increase of the population in the world, our Mother Earth herself is undergoing a massive crisis by the various threats of ‘Overpopulation’ .The word alone spills the intended message. Every 12 years, there are one billion people added to our globe. The main problem due to this is overcrowding and…

  • Shameless Overpopulation

    Shameless Overpopulation

    It is not until you go to rock concerts, coffee houses, railway stations, malls, parks, roads and well yes everywhere( except classrooms) that you realize this increasingly alarming problem of overpopulation. Let us face it unavailability of railway tickets, not enough seats in schools and colleges, no place for accommodating any more people, they are…