Tag: dumping

  • The Poisoning of Indian Rivers

    The Poisoning of Indian Rivers

    In the Indian sub-continent, the river system is classified broadly into four categories-the Himalayas, the rivers in the plains, the coastal rivers and those in the drainage basins. One of the largest basin of India is the Ganga or the Ganges which is originated from the Himalayas and considered to be abode of gods. Mythologically…

  • Mangroves- Man’s Best Friend?

    Mangroves- Man’s Best Friend?

    Coastal areas all around the world are different, but they have one sight in common. No, not the sea. Okay, maybe two sights then… The sea, and mangroves. Yes mangroves, something we mumbaikars are very familiar with, if only to stay far away from them. We associate them with garbage, awful smells, and a waste…