Author: Green Blogger
Seven Wonders of the Natural World (Old)
Is there anyone out there who has not heard of the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower or the Great Pyramids of Giza? I am sure the answer is no. We have heard about these monuments since our childhood and we have been awed by the magnificence of their existence. These were the structures…
Human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, poor soil conservation, etc. have led to the transformation of regions with initially fertile land into desert-like areas i.e. become barren and infertile. This process, known as desertification, occurs most commonly in arid and semi-arid regions which already have high temperatures, low rainfall, and sub-humid climate. Although the presence…
Green Earth – The only place for a sustainable human life!
Green Earth is something which every individual should work towards. Earth is our home and we should keep it clean and tidy. Every individual should understand the seriousness of the declination of the planet. Everyone should contribute towards achieving a Green Planet. Green projects are secure and safer for our future. We will have less pollution…
Green Life: Living one with nature
Going green and living the “green” and environmentally sustainable lifestyle need not always be boring and a burden. A green lifestyle can be fun and make style statement with the simple environmentally friendly upgrades to your home. It is rightly said that “before changing the world,first change yourself”. Hence before we make this world a…
When most people think green, their thoughts naturally turn to things like increasing energy efficiency and using alternative sources of energy. But this article is about how going green trims your waste. From farm to fork, we waste 40 percent of our food. Each of us wastes food in some or other way, it is…
Green Car- Car powered by air
We all know of cars that run on gas and petrol and even lately batteries but guess what, off late the Indian car maker Tata Motors is contemplating the idea of bringing to market a car that runs on air. Yes you heard it right, simple air present around you and me. A car powered…
Soil Pollution – Another Raising Concern
The term pollution is defined as the emission of unwanted materials into the atmosphere, which can cause or affect the well being of the eco-system. Pollution is the main reason we are trying to espouse green living. Pollution can be differentiated into many categories and each kind of pollution has its own effect on the…
Land, Soil and their Life
Ever since the dawn of civilization, human interest in land has been to produce food, fibre, fuel and timber. Land and society have always had an intimate relationship. Land resources constitute the fundamental base of all human beings. It is a priceless resource and is quite important to every individual and every nation. The way…
10 Ways to Stop Wasting Water
We all know that water is a precious resource on the planet and we also know that the fresh water is getting wasted a lot, but, are we taking any measures to stop the unwanted wasting of water. But, this is also the resource that is being misused the most by human being. People don’t…
OVERFISHING – Wake up call!
For centuries, our seas and oceans have been considered a limitless source of biodiversity and food. However, increasing fishing efforts over the last 50 years as well as unsustainable fishing practices are pushing many fish stocks to the point of collapse. The basic meaning of the term “over fishing” is when more fish are caught…