Tag: cfc

  • O-zone : The Hol(e)y Saviour

    O-zone : The Hol(e)y Saviour

    First things first. Who likes French Fries? Or rather, who doesn’t? That latter question will give an answer that can probably be counted on a single hand. What we can infer from that is that almost everybody loves French Fries, God, they really are heavenly. And that everyone is going to become obese in the…

  • Tell your ACs to take a chill pill!

    Tell your ACs to take a chill pill!

    Come on, it’s just April, The Earth month. So, the tip of the Earth month is: “This summer tell your air conditioners to take a chill pill and hibernate as long as they can.” The Air conditioners are operating ironical to their name, and heating our planet Earth. Just for the sake of cooling our…