Tag: landslides
Landslides and man as the agent of change!
Landslides are among the major hydro geological hazards that affect large parts of India, especially the Himalayas, the North-eastern hill ranges, the western Ghats, the Nilgiris, the Eastern Ghats and the Vindhyas. In the Himalayas alone, one could find landslides of very fame, name and description-big and small, long and short, quick and creeping, ancient…
When human activities lead to landslides
Overpopulation is not a term unknown to us, and so is deforestation and over-development. But what happens when all of this comes together? The result is often disastrous. One such result of human development is landslide. Landslide can be defined as disintegration or sliding down of debris, a chunk of mountain, cliff or any other…