Stop Thinking – Start Acting!

Having just knowledge of conserving environment is not sufficient, but using right knowledge on right time is! Just reading about conserving environment won’t work. Your actions are required to change the present scenario of our globe. We are living in society where we get all sources to get well acquainted with the knowledge of conserving and taking steps towards conserving it. But ask yourself once, you must have read so many articles regarding conserving, utilizing resources at optimum level. If you are not using you knowledge and executing what you learnt then, I think you need to go back to your school! If you might have forgotten the value of you nature around or your busy life has deleted the thought for environment. But we can say that we are moving towards betterment it may be conserving nature or natural habitat. Globally Environment Education is given to children from basic levels. Through environment education we can say, we are building greener and greater tomorrow.


Environmental education uses environmental issues and topics as a theme to weave into all subjects and grades. This ensures all students will have many opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, perspectives and practices they need to become environmentally literate citizens. Being or getting educated gives us a responsibility to save our mother earth!

You might have heard that “To see the change be the change”. A lot of only saying won’t help you need to go out and take some action. For seeing the change you need to work out from your home! Take some initiative. If you see something that you can stop which is hamper’s our environment we should do something and become responsible. Off course we cannot do monumental things and alter the environment protection policies, but we can do bit which gives monumental results.

For instance,

  • Closing taps, repairing leaking pipe lines
  • Using water prudently
  • Reusing waste by decomposing biodegradables from kitchen  by burying then in the soil or flower pot which can be used as a fertilizer for plants and make them healthier
  • Keep clean your surroundings.
  • Turning off fans, lights, T.V. set, etc when not in use.

Small things will make difference. In the metropolitan cities it we get good facilities and perfectly acquainted with all resources where as other part of it is always starved. This discrimination will end when resources which are made available to us should be used optimally. Simple things like recycling, reusing and trying to reduce the quantity of waste can easily make out way to achieve the target.



Now the environment education has not restricted to one part or one region but has been added in all syllabuses of schools and colleges all over the world.

“Environmental education is a learning process that increases people’s knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action” as per declaration of UNESCO in 1978.


The focus of environment education is awareness and sensitivity about the environment and environmental challenges, knowledge and understanding about the environment and environmental challenges, attitude concern for the environment and helps to maintain environmental quality, skills to mitigate the environmental problems, participation for exercising existing knowledge and environmental related program ,increase public awareness about environmental issues, explore possible solutions, and to lay the foundations for a fully informed and active participation of individual in the protection of environment and the prudent and rational use of natural resources.

Environment is a common heritage to mankind.We need to do something without giving excuses of our busy schedule we can make a brighter and greener tomorrow by making our small efforts to recycle of planting plants.

Every time we cannot blame governmental organization, it’s our duty now to be responsible. If we don’t count saving our globe, its’ natural habitat is significant then we may find hard to even breathe in open air, Acid rains, polluted surroundings, increasing toxicity, deserted cities in concrete buildings, when green house effect totally affected our lives, people strangling for a drop of water-food. Is that what we dream of our tomorrow? We want to survive or live? Choice is ours.

The ultimate thing we would have to do crave over crisis! We have to be serious regarding the changes we observe in our environment which prove to be unhealthy and causing harm to our living. The way we are torturing our environment by killing of natural habitat, unresisting deforestation, wastage of precious material water, killing aquatic life, break the chain or cycle of environment, which will result disastrous one day. We just don’t have to study while possessing environment education or keep the knowledge till books but it’s time to Act Now!

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Don’t just think ACT! To save- our future our earth. Use your knowledge and let’s not take our environment education remain till only book for securing marks and utilize it for greener and better tomorrow!


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