Tag: waste

  • Stench that Breeds Danger!

    Stench that Breeds Danger!

    “The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to Earth.  Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.  Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” -Chief Seattle, Dwamish Tribe  Garbage, the sound of it is nauseating and unpleasant. It causes us to image all somewhat…

  • Small steps make a Big Difference

    Small steps make a Big Difference

    There are tons of small things that we can do at home to help in reducing landfill waste, cleaning the air, preserving our natural landscape and help in reducing carbon footprint, creating a healthier home and lowering monthly bills to boot. Let’s fasten our seat – belts and go on a ‘Green Adventure’ and take…

  • Eliminating the Concept of Waste- Germany’s First Waste-free Market

    Eliminating the Concept of Waste- Germany’s First Waste-free Market

    While talking about the issues of environment, management of resources, the concept of waste appears as one of the most important ones. A large part of our resources goes into waste, and these products become completely useless. Many of these waste produces harm the environment, because they are non-biodegradable. Even if they are bio-degradable, their…

  • Consumerism Will Consume Us

    Consumerism Will Consume Us

    Mrs. McPhee pushed the cart along the aisle in the multi-national chain of supermarkets and kept throwing in shiny packaged articles at ninja speed. Her two children kept adding to the pile as well. George wanted a red car while Greg wanted a black one. There, two cars added. Having billed a mountain of processed…

  • Food Waste Management

    Food Waste Management

    The regular followers of followgreenliving.com might have read my last article on how pathetic the food wastage scenario is today. I had pointed out how callously indifferent the haves are of the have-nots. Well, if that had an impact on any level at all, one would probably be searching for ways to save food or…

  • Four Days In a Forest…

    Four Days In a Forest…

    It was 2006 and i was living in a residential school in one of the western districts of Tamil Nadu. Like how every school will be having picnics and tour’s, we had a tour that year. But it’s a new step this time. The school was taking us to one of a late discovered lake…