Green appliances: A new technology for the old planet

With the Eco-friendly demands creeping into our societies, we are all alerted about why and how we need to change our technology to fulfill the needs of Mother Nature.
With this, we strive to basically entwine all our daily activities with the green-living strategies. The Eco friendly awareness has attained so much hype that we are all persuaded to be changed accordingly. This includes the various appliances that we use on a daily basis. It not only acquaints us with the necessity of inculcating green principles but also saves on our electricity bills.

The dishwashers we use, the refrigerators, appliances used in the kitchen for cooking purposes etc have all infused Eco-friendly ideas these days. Technology has advanced so much that now, energy saving techniques are apparently prioritized.
You must always prefer to buy energy star qualified appliances which is a primary requirement.
Older home appliances normally have numerous problems like extra wastage of water, energy and several other sources. Hence, always keep your appliances well maintained and try using the newer appliances that save energy.
There is also a highly resilient attitude shown by the people everywhere. They don’t wish to adapt to a newer idea of energy savings and tend to form the culprits of ruining the already-wonky state of our deteriorating planet. So, basically there should be environmental awareness rooted in the minds of the people be it, old or young. It’s only this common consensus of people that can apparently bring about a concrete change.

green appliances
Even the corporate companies need to make it their elemental strategy to market the products produced with eco friendly techniques. The influential people have to readily endorse such products too. It’s only then the common public would respond satisfactorily in the preferred direction.
Here are some of the commonly used appliances and how the green living virtues are infused into them.
1) Refrigerators:

green refrigerators
Thus is one of the largest energy consumers in every household. Hence they must be used efficiently even if it’s used solely at home. Always try to avoid hefty and large refrigerators at home. Moreover, when you add additional units to the refrigerator, you waste a lot of energy. So try to avoid them as far as possible.
Also, use refrigerators in a efficient way by opening the door only when it’s necessary because the compressor needs more energy to bring the interiors back to the original temperature after the door is closed.

2) Dish washers:


The Department of Energy has stated that the energy star qualified appliances save 40% of energy or water than the non certified dish washers.
Use the drying unit only when it’s really needed. Else, the dishes can be left to dry naturally.
Moreover, use this appliance preferably on full load and with the best usage practices.It is also said that washing vessels with your hands wastes more water than an energy-star rated did washer. So, now you know what best you can do in order to save water.

3) Washing machines:


Here again, use energy star equipped appliance and use when on full load. Moreover, use the drying unit only if necessary. Otherwise, you can also line-dry your clothes which is a better choice wherein you can save a lot of energy since the in-built dryer apparently requires more energy.

4) Appliances used while cooking:

*Induction cook tops:

induction cooktops

Recently, with advancement in technology, induction Cook tops have come to the market.
Induction basically uses the induction principle of heating instead of using conventional heating coils to heat.
The occurrence of any accidents is largely reduced since it gets heated up only with after it is in contact with the utensil.

energy efficient ovens
Here again don’t open the oven door every now and then while in use because there would be heat loss .Always use toaster or microwave as an alternative .Baking or preparing large meals must be the only reason to use the ovens.

5) Energy-efficient Iron boxes:

energy efficient iron
Everybody likes their clothes neatly pressed. Hence, these iron boxes are the ones that grab the maximum energy possible to get heated up.
Therefore, now there are steam irons that have been introduced which not only saves energy but cuts down our bills as well. Hence, steam irons have proved to be the best alternate for conventional irons.
6) Energy-efficient  hair dryers:

energy efficient hair dryerrs

Avoid using hair dryers often. This requires a lot of energy too. Besides, there have been a few of the energy saving hair dryers that have come to the market which could actually cut down a huge amount of your bill too.
7)Energy-efficient laptops:

energy efficient laptops

Avoid using desktops. They consume a huge amount of energy when compared to the laptops. Hence, use laptops wherever necessary.
There are also energy efficient laptops that are available. You could definitely try those.

8) Energy saving fans:

energy efficient fans
Well, a majority of the Indians prefer fans to air conditioners .So, whenever you go to buy any of them, do prefer to buy the ones with energy-star rating.

No matter which appliance you use, always prefer energy-star products. These products exhibit a quality performance in their operational phases.
Otherwise try to use them only when really necessary. Do not over use any of them and reduce the stand-by consumption too. Green appliances do not only relate to the inbuilt green strategies or the energy-star rating but it’s ultimately the way we use one efficiently whether at home or commercially.