Author: Green Blogger

  • Alternatives to plastic: Healthier World

    Alternatives to plastic: Healthier World

    “Plastics”.. Its everywhere in our country. Its like we cannot live without them. It forms much of the packaging for our food and drink. For many of us, it is throughout our home, our workplace, our car, the bus we take to and from work. It can be in our clothing, eyeglasses, teeth, toothbrush, computers,…

  • Food wars – The impending disaster

    Food wars – The impending disaster

    Since the dawn of civilization, men have fought each other for plenty of reasons. There have been wars fought for land, for power, for wealth, for freedom, in the name of religion, racial differences, resources and the list goes on forever and ever. In current times, men have even fought each other for oil and…

  • Music and Nature- the Wonderful Two

    Music and Nature- the Wonderful Two

    Earphones plugged into the ears. Your favorite play-list being played on the music player of your mobile phone. Walking to the college or traveling in the train, listening to music is hobby of many. Is it yours? Do you listen to music in the above manner? This post intends to take you towards something new…

  • Heading towards a Greener Earth- Renewable Energy

    Heading towards a Greener Earth- Renewable Energy

    Energy exists freely in nature. This energy may be of two kinds- One that exists infinitely (never runs out), this is called renewable energy or non-conventional energy. The other that is present in finite amounts (takes millions of years to form and the sources will run out some day), this is called non-renewable energy or…

  • Health Redefined

    Health Redefined

    The meaning of the term ‘health’ gets redefined according to your age and circumstances. When you were younger, health meant following the directions of your mother and drinking and eating according to her preferences, for some it must have meant listening to their father or any other guardian figure. You must have been frustrated and…

  • Color Therapy

    Color Therapy

    You must have heard of a little something called color therapy, well it also has a few good names and it is called chromotherapy, colorology or cromatherapy. The term itself is definitive of the process and it actually stands to signify how color affects your body and mind. I know, it sounds all beautiful on…

  • Famous Alternatives to Meat

    Famous Alternatives to Meat

    Many of the non vegetarians who cannot imagine turning themselves away from meat for too long a time sometimes do so by virtue of the dearth of options they have as an alternative to meat. There are so many ways that you can have meat that it is almost useless to look for other options…

  • From fishing to overfishing

    From fishing to overfishing

    Ever since I remember, fishes have a regular and compulsory food item at my home on weekends. Of course, we eat a lot other forms of meat but fish dishes have their own value. It is probably because of their high nutritional value. I remember as a child, my mother would always tell me to…



    GENESIS AND CONCEPTS OF PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT: AN INTRODUCTION TO PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT. In this article, we will discuss important concepts of the participatory  management, its emergence as a new paradigm of management; its philosophy and approaches to development; participation mechanisms and impact of political system and major constraints in people’s participation. In the context of the…

  • Green Nanotechnology: It’s easier than you think

    Green Nanotechnology: It’s easier than you think

    “We are on unsustainable path. It is not as though nanotechnology will be an option; it is going to be essential for coming up with sustainable technologies”. Green nanotechnology refers to the optimum use of nanotechnology to enhance the environmental sustainability of processes producing disastrous health and environment effects. It also refers to the use…