Best Natural Foods In India..










After a lot of research on the web, I have noticed that it’s very difficult to put the natural foods under one name. So, we are going to distinguish or classify the naturally available best foods under different categories. Under each category we will have five best foods and why it is chosen.

So, what makes a food best? Is there any criteria for choosing such foods?  The answer is yes. Below are the criteria for the best foods.

  • The best foods are familiar foods
  • The best foods are readily available.
  • The best foods are whole foods.
  • The best foods are affordable.
  • The best foods tastes good.
  • The best foods have the most nutrient dense.

Keeping these criteria in mind the foods are chosen.

Top 5 Vegetables:











  1. Spinach: They are the placed in number 1 spot in most of the tables. They are rich in both vitamins and minerals. The maximum nutrient present in a cooked spinach is vitamin K and A.
  2. Potatoes:  They are the number 1 vegetable crop in the world. They are available year round. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin B6.
  3. Tomatoes:  They are very familiar foods which are known for their rich  anti-oxidant content including their rich concentration of lycopene. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin C.
  4. Carrots: They are also available through out the year. They are good for eye sight and reduces the risk of cardio vascular diseases. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin A.
  5. Onions: The total polyphenol content in onions is higher than its fellow allium veggies. Eating a half of a medium sized onion a day has found to reduce the risk of cancer. The maximum nutrient present is biotin.


Top 5 Fruits:




  1. Bananas: They are one of the best sources of pottassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin B6.
  2. Apple: It is one of the best whole foods present. Scientists have reported that when apple in took as apple sauce or apple juice, the people go hungry earlier than people who take it as a whole food. The maximum nutrient present is fiber.
  3. Grapes: They are grown on almost all continents because of their better nutrient composition. Grapes have rich copper present in them. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin K.
  4. Oranges: It is the most popular fruit in the world. They are preferred for their juicy taste and citrus content. Also they are preferred for their anti-oxidant content and risk reduction in cardiovascular diseases. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin C.
  5. Papayas: They can be found in the market throughout the year, although the seasonal peak is early summer and fall. They are preferred for their anti-inflammatory, digestive health, protection against rhematoid arthritis. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin C.


Top 5 Sea Foods:












 Since there are numerous varieties of sea foods available in our country. I have chosen the most popular variety throughout India.

  1. Sardines: They are the most popular fish variety available almost all over the world and are affordable. They are preferred for the taste, heart health, bone health and are packed with proteins. Sardines contain nearly 80 types of nutrients. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin B12.
  2. Mackerel: They are a highly recommended oily fish for a healthy diet. They are preferred for their anti-carcinogenic, immunity increasing and brain and nerve development qualities.The maximum nutrient present is omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Seer fish: It is one of the most suitable sea fish in atkin’s diet. The maximum nutrient present is proteins and omega-3 acids.
  4. Anchovies: They are smaller variety fish which you know. They are preferred for their cardiovascular qualities. The maximum nutrient present is omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. Shrimps: Without us knowing they are one of the top preferred sea food in India. They are very rich in nutrients. They have an unusuallyhigh concentration of astaxanthin, which is a anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant nutrient. The maximum nutrient present is selenium.


Top 5 Grains:












  1. Paddy: When the outer coat is removed they are called rice. It is one of the staple diet of most of indians and chinese. The maximum nutrient present is carbohydrates.
  2. Wheat: They are also the staple food of most indians. They are preferred for their reduced risk of metabolic syndrome and for the weight loss program. The maximum nutrient present is manganese.
  3. Millets: They are tiny sized grains. They are preferred for their repair of body tissues, lowering of type 2 diabetes, preventing gall stones qualities. The maximum nutrient present is copper.
  4. Oats: Every doctor in town will prescribe this grain for you in your lifetime. They are preferred for their low cholesterol levels, reducing cardiovascular disease chances and preventing heart failures qualities.
  5. Rye: They are worth eating for their rich and healthy taste  and nutrient content. They are preferred for their heart health promotion, weight loss program, promoting gastrointestinal health. The maximum nutrient present is manganese.


Top 5 Spices/Herbs:










  1. Turmeric: They have a slight reminiscence of orange and ginger. They are preferred for their prevention against rheumatoid arthritis, anti-inflammatory, treatment for bowel disease etc., The maximum nutrient present is manganese.
  2. Peppermint: They are available throughout the year. They are a potential anti-cancer agent. The maximum nutrient present are copper, vitamin C and manganese in somewhat equal proportions.
  3. Ginger: They are usually considered for the aromatic quality. But they are also a good relief of nausea and vomiting, and prevents colorectal cancer. The maximum nutrient present is amino acids and carbs.
  4. Cloves: They are also available throughout the year. They are mainly considered for their anti-inflammatory quality. The maximum nutrient present is manganese.
  5. Coriander seeds: They are considered for the fragrance. They are also preferred for their control of blood sugar and cholesterol. The maximum nutrient present is vitamin K.

These are the top contestants.


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