Learn the truth behind common health myths

Health is a concern for all. We live in an age where we are faced with new and increasing health challenges every day. That is the reason why we have become so conscious of our health- striving to keep our body functions working at every step. Things like health drinks and vitamin supplements are abundant in the market and people are willing to pay good price for them. There has also been a steady rise of health related books written by nutritionists all over the world guiding people on the road to a better lifestyle.


While some books do provide valuable insights and suggestions, some just propagate old myths that are not always true. It is important to gather authentic information about any health tip before you implement it. The many health myths that are doing the rounds don’t have any ground to them. They disillusion the common masses and give us wrong information. Here we will attempt to bust some of these myths for the betterment of the society. All of the following myth busters are health related and have years of study and research behind them. Let us look at some of the myths and try to find out the truth behind them-

  1. Fruits should be eaten after a meal

This is definitely not true. Ideally fruits should always be eaten in an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. The body takes some time to process the sugars and fibres of the fruit, so fruits should always be eaten alone. If you eat fruits after a big meal, you will have problems with digestion. The body will not be able to digest the fruit properly.

  1. All carbohydrates are bad for you

No, all carbohydrates are not bad for you. Carbohydrates contained in fruits, vegetables and grains are good carbohydrates and should be consumed in moderate quantities. A well balanced diet can never be complete without a healthy dose of carbohydrates. A little carbohydrate in your diet will not make you fat.

  1. Working on the computer damages your eyes

Working long hours on the computer or watching too much television does strain your eyes but there is no evidence to suggest that it damages your eyes. The headaches or eye irritations caused by exposure to computer screens are temporary and can easily be controlled with a good night’s sleep.


  1. Night binging makes you fat

This myth also does not have a sound basis or research to back it up. Night binging can cause digestion problems but it does not make you fat. The amount of fat you gain is totally dependent on the kind of food you are having. A rich fattening food has the same effect on your body whether you have in the morning or late at night.

  1. Warm milk accelerates sleep

Many people believe that having a glass of warm milk before going to bed induces good sleep. But this is not true. It does contain very little amount of tryptophan- the amino acid known as a popular sleep aid but such trace amount can in no way cause any difference to our sleep. Moreover, cheese and egg contain even higher traces of tryptophan and they have never been known to induce sleep.

  1. Vitamin C prevents cold

No substantial proof has been found to show that having vitamin C prevents the common cold. In fact it has been proved that people who have a lot of vitamin C daily also suffer from normal attacks of common cold.

  1. Drink as much water as you can

While drinking water does keep us hydrated that doesn’t mean that we have to drink gallons of water every day. Too much water is also not good for you. Drink water according to your climate, weather, body type and food habits.

  1. Liquid diets remove toxins and reduce weight

Many people are nowadays leaning towards a latest fad that has been doing the rounds lately- to fast once a week or for a few days every month to get rid of toxins. Instead of eating regular food, you survive on liquids that supposedly flush out toxins from your body. But many doctors are against it and strongly oppose fasting to reduce weight. The body has its own way of flushing out toxins; it doesn’t require the help of a liquid diet.

  1. Food picked up from the floor within five seconds of falling is safe to consume

This myth is not true at all. Even if the food stays in contact with the floor for just one second, it is enough to gather bacteria. The five-second rule is a pretty big myth that is definitely far from reality.

10. Chilly weather makes you sick

Many are of the opinion that a dip in the temperature can make you sick. But the truth is far from that. Weather has nothing to do with your health. You have the same chances of getting a cold in the summer as that in winter.


With ten popular health myths busted, you are now a few steps ahead of others who still remain oblivious to the truth and follow the myths blindly. Next time don’t believe anything you hear- there is a reason why people call them myths.



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