Tag: clean
Nuclear energy a boon!
We have been well acquainted with various eco friendly sources of energy for instances, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal, etc we are have certain kind of perception for them. And likewise we have also a perception for Nuclear Energy; there are a number of alternative sources of energy and environmentally friendly fuels available to combat…
Green Techniques Followed in Abu Dhabi, UAE
The people of this city let alone the entire nation have developed a appetite for luxury and novelty. They live in luxurious villas on man made island shaped palm fronds. They play golf on lush courses that can require up to 4 million gallons of water a day to stay green. And when summer temperatures soar…
What Rubbish!
Around 2 years ago, I visited Germany. It was a short trip; I spent just a little over a week there. But that little outside excursion, out of our beloved country, told me a lot! Of course, travelling will open your eyes to the vast differences that arise between cultures. But that is not what…