Tag: destruction.
Deforestation : The effects and prevention
The oxygen that we breathe. The vegetation that we consume. Where does all this come from? Yes, the trees!! Or in general, the flora. The trees are not only helpful to us, but the birds and animals as well. They provide shelter to almost everybody and through photosynthesis, provide us with oxygen to breathe. But,…
Millennia to Create, Moments to Destroy – Coral Reefs
Cradle to Myriads of Species Millennia to Create Moments to Destroy ” -Jim Morris Look like underwater cities, filled with colorful fishes, intricate forms and wondrous sea creatures. The Rainforests of Marine Ecosystem, they are the marine thermostat and stand tall as a mountain against the strong currents and waves. When we think about them…
Tell your ACs to take a chill pill!
Come on, it’s just April, The Earth month. So, the tip of the Earth month is: “This summer tell your air conditioners to take a chill pill and hibernate as long as they can.” The Air conditioners are operating ironical to their name, and heating our planet Earth. Just for the sake of cooling our…