Tag: forest

  • Forests- Reason for our Survival!

    Forests- Reason for our Survival!

    Alex said to his father, “Dad by cutting forest we are destroying and devastating homes of animals and birds!” his dad smiles and very prudently explains, “Yeah, its truth that we are destroying their shelter but more than that we are destroying our home! Our planet! Where we too live along with them…we won’t survive…

  • Forests and Tribes

    Forests and Tribes

                    It has been reiterated ample of times now, how cutting down of trees, timber extraction, mining, dams affect us but the less discussed subject of the effect it has on forests and tribes is so broad that it alone could form a separate topic of discussion. Several…

  • Four Days In a Forest…

    Four Days In a Forest…

    It was 2006 and i was living in a residential school in one of the western districts of Tamil Nadu. Like how every school will be having picnics and tour’s, we had a tour that year. But it’s a new step this time. The school was taking us to one of a late discovered lake…