Tag: pesticides

  • Organic Foods – Way to a better future?

    Organic Foods – Way to a better future?

    ‘Is our future safe?’, ‘What kind of planet are we going to leave for our progeny?’ Or in some extreme cases ‘Do we even have a future?’ These are some of the concerns that have been given voice to with increasingly alarming frequency in the recent past. One cannot help but wonder if our planet…

  • The Green Revolution

    The Green Revolution

    The origination of the term Green Revolution is attributed to an American scientist, Norman Borlaug . He was indulged in a research in the 1940’s to produce high-yield varieties of wheat that could provide resistance to diseases. In the year 1960, Mexico became an exporter of wheat. Consequently, the green revolution technologies were encouraged in…

  • Insecticides: Poison for All

    Insecticides: Poison for All

    The farmer pulled out yet another insect eaten plant by its roots from his field. The field was almost entirely wrought over by the insects. This year, he would not be able to repay his loan. The reason, you ask? Too many insects. Or rather, too much insecticide. That is ironic, you say, given the…

  • WANTED! Organic Green Revolution

    WANTED! Organic Green Revolution

    Green revolution that happened in India in the 1960s involved high yielding seeds of wheat, rice and maize; fertilizers, pesticides; machines and irrigation technology. But overuse of these same chemicals has exhausted soil’s productive capacity, too much use of fertilizers has had adverse environmental effects. Thus to feed the world and to restore ecological health…