The journey of development from the early man to the twenty first century has been a very happening one. The advancements in Science and Technology have changed our life style completely. The focus from physical work has shifted to mental work. The large investments done by the nations in technological researches speak of their motives i.e. to become more and more advanced. Science has been able to take man to the moon, and this should be celebrated. No one in the past could think of the inventions and gadgets that we have in the present, and similarly, it is not easy to guess what technology we will be having in the future.
At the same time, the comfort science is providing us is becoming the reason of our destruction. In the attempt to trying to change the laws of nature, man has also gone against it by not respecting it. The bad impacts of this have been foreseen by many of the researchers and scientists, that in the long run, the human activities will be responsible for a huge loss to the planet.
Its effects have also come into place now, as the basic amenities of water and food are not easily available. Chlorinated water and vegetables polished with chemicals does not appear to be the best diet we should be taking. Powdered milk for your little child might not be the perfect nutrition in his days of growth. Now does this so called development account for the loss to your health?

The traditional methods of organic farming are reducing day by day, as the chemicals are sneaking in your meals and ultimately your body. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers on the crops carries these chemicals to your body, which become a cause of diseases in the body. Along with this, many pesticides and insecticides, which are nothing but poison, are also sprayed on the crops.
Not only to your health, the chemicals also affect the health of mother earth. The non-biodegradable chemical fertilizers are carried away through water to rivers and oceans. These chemicals are unfit for consumption of aquatic fauna and result in their deaths at a mass level. Also, the continuous use of chemicals has also changed the structure of the soil by creating an imbalance among the various nutrients available in the soil.

The organic fertilizer, which is manure, adds many nutrients to the soil while these chemical fertilizers add only some specific nutrients. The former one is beneficial because it is biodegradable, does not cause any harm to soil structure or water bodies and replenishes the nutrients of the soil. But easy availability of chemicals is one of the reasons why the farmers in different parts of the world use them instead of manure.

Also, the use of chemical fertilizers on the crops also requires much more water than the organic farming. If not given proper amount of water, the crop fails completely. This initiates the exploitation of water resources, including ground water. The modern methods of farming also need more financial inputs, as chemicals and other electronic machines, which can be easily substituted by lesser expensive methods of agriculture.
The situation is alarming and needs to be dealt with a lot of concern. Adequate and intelligent government plans should be implemented to make the farmers aware about the actual situation. The health of the nation depends entirely on the health of the citizens. And the way we are heading towards a world full of chemicals, there is surely a huge risk to our health.
There have been many researches and many more are still going on about the harmful results of these chemicals. There are observations in many areas where the use of chemicals has caused many health problems in the residents of the whole area. Severe health issues like cancer, miscarriages and others were found to be very common in the areas. Now obviously it is not any co-incidence but it is the effect of the chemicals in the crops.
Not only in crops, chemicals are used to purify water in the swimming pools. This water, if consumed, can cause chemical pneumonitis or inflammation of the lungs. These may result in ‘after drowning’ or ‘secondary drowning’, which can happen after hours the swimmer leaves the pool.

The need of the hour is to get back from the world of chemicals to the natural world. Nature has provided the man enough to take care of his needs and his deeds. But too much interference has landed us in a dangerous situation. Remember, the lesser chemicals we use, the more healthier we will be.
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