Author: Green Blogger
Whaling in Antarctic
Weighing up to 80 tons and almost twice the length of a school bus, the massive fin whale known as the greyhound of the sea for its swimming speed was the victim of decades of commercial slaughter that killed them by the tens of thousands each year. International cooperation on whaling regulation began in 1931…
Nanofood – sounds interesting and tastes amazing !!!
Food is “nanofood” when prepared using nanoparticles and nanotechnology techniques or tools during cultivation, production, processing, or packaging of the food. It does not mean that food is modified atomically or either it is produced by nanomachines. It has been reviewed that manipulating food at this scale could help to develop foods which are lower…
Save our gentle giants – The Whales
Whales! It is shocking how the largest creature that ever lived on this planet is at the threat of vanishing forever. Our selfishness has grown so immensely that sometimes we almost close our hearts and eyes to benefit us. We forget that just as we are meant to be on this magnificent planet we…
Green designing: Green Landscaping
The multi-layered garden looked perfect. There were tiny pebbles surrounding the indoor miniature pond. As Amrita opened up her month’s electricity bill, she was rather happy that the bill had decreased ever since she had given up the junky urban decorative items and a myriad of lamps to green landscaping. She thanked her stars that…
Biogas ! a boon
IMAGINE early morning you went in the kitchen to boil the milk and u saw that your LPG has exhausted! And when you call for new, you come to know that LPG has been not only exhausted from your cylinder but the whole world! Yeah it can be your nightmare but a day will come…
How To Cope With Summer Heat…
For most of us summer means heat, watermelon and ice cream. When a heat wave hits our country, all hell breaks loose. It will be all over the news, social websites. It affects how we move, how we talk, how we think and our behavior. I don’t understand…
Yamuna – the Holy river?
India is called the land of the rivers and is endowed with a rich distribution network across the length and breadth of the country. According to the Hindu mythology, the rivers are worshipped as incarnations of gods and goddesses. A dip in the waters of Yamuna and Ganga is believed to wash of your sins.…
Traditional cigarettes or electronic cigarettes- the choice is easy
‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’- this is a statutory warning that we notice on each and every cigarette box across the globe. Nevertheless seeing this warning over the years has not led us to change our lifestyle or quit cigarettes. There are millions of people in the world who are addicted to cigarettes and cigars.…
Best Natural Foods In India..
After a lot of research on the web, I have noticed that it’s very difficult to put the natural foods under one name. So, we are going to distinguish or classify the naturally available best foods under different categories. Under each category we will have five best…
Reusing plastic bottles
Everyone is well aware about the massive destruction of the environment by the hands of humans. This has led to new inventions and origin of innovative plans every day to reduce the damage caused by us. Of course, we cannot just invent something out of the blue. But, the least we can do is to…