Author: Green Blogger

  • Happy Earth Day to you !!!

    Happy Earth Day to you !!!

    “Happy Earth Day to you. Happy Earth Day to you. Happy Earth Day to the Earth we are destroying. Happy Earth Day to you.” This was a tweet by a very famous guy on twitter @TweetofGod and this really forced me to think about the concept of Earth Day. There is no doubt about the…

  • Tidal Energy – Pros and Cons

    Tidal Energy – Pros and Cons

    There are many posts on this website, and many others stressing the use of renewable energy. But the point is, When you can so easily extract energy out of fossil fuels, then why fuss so much about the renewable sources of energy? When your car runs very well on the petrol or gas, then why…

  • Hydraulic Fracturing

    Hydraulic Fracturing

    Natural gas plays a key role in any country’s energy resources and signifies the economic prosperity of the country. It also plays an important role in enhancing country’s clean energy prospects. But, when the natural gas is extracted at the cost of degradation of the environment and creating health hazards, to what level is it…

  • Every Breath you Take

    Every Breath you Take

    We breathe oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Is this what you knew? Well, then your knowledge of the environment and our surroundings is set to go for a ride as you re-learn the basics of life on earth today. Earth’s atmosphere has been polluted with chemicals, particulates, industrial and biological materials over the years.…

  • A Comprehensive Summer Food Guide

    A Comprehensive Summer Food Guide

    Summer is the time to have fun and enjoy in the sun. It is a time for lazy swims in the pool or weekend picnics in the park. But summer cannot be complete without some delicious foods to snack on. But having everything and anything may not be a very good idea. The idea is…

  • Nanotechnology: Amazing Solutions it Gave!!!

    Nanotechnology: Amazing Solutions it Gave!!!

    A little word “ nano”  which has come to light into the world’s consciousness over the past few years has craved up the scientific community and even humanity in speculating about a profound shift in almost every aspect of science and engineering with its implication for ethics, economics, international relations, day-to-day life. Some visionaries proclaim…

  • Acid Mine Drainage:The River of Destruction

    Acid Mine Drainage:The River of Destruction

    As the industrial revolution  surges forwards and the technological innovation continues.There is an increasing demand for raw materials such as iron,copper etc.These are mainly obtained from mining.Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth from an ore body, lode or seam which forms the mineralized package of economic interest…

  • Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright…

    Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright…

    Even though I’m not a man of poems, or a literature nut, I have to say, William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ I will always remember. For some inexplicable reason, it has been branded into my brain, ever since I learned it in school. Its verses have not left my mind, even after 7 years, and today…

  • It ‘Does’ Matter What you Wear: Eco-Fashion

    It ‘Does’ Matter What you Wear: Eco-Fashion

    “Instead of getting a bolt of fabric that anyone down the block could buy, using recycled materials creates a more individual look.” –Deborah Lindquist One issue we never think about, when we go shopping, is how harmful or toxic that particular piece of clothing is? We do not realise how that particular fabric is made…

  • Filmy Tales of Nature

    Filmy Tales of Nature

    You know how mesmerizing nature can be, from tree archways to pools to beaches. Instead of just writing anything, I can give you five pictures to turn you speechless right now. The obsession with nature has been shared by many fellow human beings as it has been our right to explore Earth and look at…