Category: DIY Green
Global Warming: The World On Fire!
GLOBAL WARMING: THE WORLD ON FIRE! As the name suggest global warming in simple words refers to the increase in temperatures resulting in heating of the globe. But let us give you a better and broader definition of global warming: “Global warming refers to an unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth’s…
The Vital Importance of Shopping Bags
It is common for a green-living website to have something up about plastic. This site is no different. But that’s a good thing. Plastic bags are so common now I can bet you don’t even give them a second thought. Until they start over-running your house that is. The most popular solution at that point…
Waste Segregation & amp; Waste Management: A need of today and every day.
Waste Segregation & Waste Management: A need for today and every day. Waste management has been defined as the “generation, prevention, characterisation, monitoring, treatment, reuse, and residue deposition of solid wastes.” Waste management is one of the most integral issues of any city or country. Improper waste management leads to the breeding of mosquitoes and…
Schools Teach Waste Management. Then Produce Unnecessary Waste !
The environmental studies class got over. It was about waste production , disposal and management. It talked about the different kinds and sources of waste and it’s management. After that the teacher them a group project on waste management. It was a soft-board decorating project. The one with lots of cuttings and mountains of paper.…
The Dangers of Bursting Crackers
Diwali, the festival of lights and pollution. Where Gunpowder and smoke and bollywood item numbers are lifted up in praise to the gods. A time of celebration, a time of rejoicing, a time where commuters are tested for their stress-handling ability, as a stray rassi-bomb sneaks close by and explodes in a colossal bang by…
DIY- The green way to beauty
How to use green ingredients for a healthy skin? Do oils really help that much? Well all these questions have a simple answer, YES! Man came into existence centuries ago. He lived in the wild and nature was his source for everything. Over time he evolved and invented new things and forgot his early roots.…
Water pollution: What can be Done and Undone.
Water pollution: What can be Done and Undone. What is water pollution? Water pollution has been defined to be the contamination of water bodies (such as lakes, oceans, rivers, etc.) This occurs when pollutants and other harmful substances enter water bodies or are directly or indirectly discharged into them without adequate treatment of harmful compounds.…
Revolutionizing Recycle
Day by day increasing population increasing needs of products leads to increase in demand increase in production, increase in production, increase in products to fulfill the need and it results .The creation of waste begins from individual and we can say it is never ending but it continues with industries and various sources which…
Effective Waste Segregation and Management- a Dire Necessity
Can you imagine a world where the quantities of wastes have expanded to such extents that people are living amidst overflowing landfills, breathing in air laden with pollutants and toxic gases and drinking contaminated water? It’s a terrifying image, isn’t it? Then it’s time to pause and think upon our actions because we are not…
What Rubbish!
Around 2 years ago, I visited Germany. It was a short trip; I spent just a little over a week there. But that little outside excursion, out of our beloved country, told me a lot! Of course, travelling will open your eyes to the vast differences that arise between cultures. But that is not what…