Author: Green Blogger
Limited Usage Of Natural Resources…
Resources are features of environment that are important and value of to human in one form or the other. However, the advancement of modern civilization has had a great impact on our planet’s natural resources. So, conserving natural resources is very essential today. There are many ways that one can conserve natural resources. All you…
Carbon Footprint- The Only Thing you can’t Afford to Leave Behind
To denote the amount of carbon dioxide and other green house gas discharges in the environment, environmentalists have come up with an interesting new term- carbon footprint. A carbon footprint traces the total extent of carbon emissions of an individual, organisation, community or a society. All of us are responsible for some amount of carbon…
When Fossil Fuels Finish: Unconventional Energy
There will come such a day when the big race and war for all the oil reserves on this planet will be at its exponential peak. Immediately after that, there will be a short lag phase and then, no struggle at all. The reason: the bone of contention should be present for a conflict to…
Save Our Globe from Green House Effect !
Can you feel that day by day there is increase in heat in the atmosphere where you are living in? And if yes then have you ever to find out why it happens? It’s the green house effect on the earth which has been increasing the temperature year by year. What is green house effect?…
Migratory Birds Bringing Delight,
Bird lovers are having a good time spotting several feathered friends at the water bodies in India. Along with flamingos, other birds like the Grey-headed Canery Fly, Black Red Start, Rose Flinch, Comb Duck and Sterling have been spotted by nature lovers. Indian subcontinent plays host to a number of migratory birds in summers as…
When the Well will be Dry !!!
Water touches every aspect of life and in India uncertainty over the availability of this basic resource is reaching making the citizens of India believe in a crisis-like situation. As India continues to undergo dramatic shifts caused by a growing economy and population, competing demands for this limited resource coming from households, industry, and agriculture…
SPF Protection
Have you heard those glorious people share their beauty secrets and tips? Yes it includes a variety of homemade face packs with fruits and other natural ingredients and a range of products from their trusted brands. Very well. But have you noticed that almost all of them seem to name some sunscreen lotion or cream…
How Living Green Can be Efficacious ??
“Green living” the term used most recurrently nowadays whenever discussed of “eco-friendly living” describes a lifestyle in which living beings are more dependent on renewable resources of energy like Sun, wind etc than conventional fuel like oil. In the traditional sense, living green had always been in reference to the protecting our environment and reducing…
Mangroves- Man’s Best Friend?
Coastal areas all around the world are different, but they have one sight in common. No, not the sea. Okay, maybe two sights then… The sea, and mangroves. Yes mangroves, something we mumbaikars are very familiar with, if only to stay far away from them. We associate them with garbage, awful smells, and a waste…
Acid Rain- A Serious Threat
The setup of the Earth that is formed to help sustain human has been rendered so much that it is now not only a matter of concern but also has now turned into a subject of anxiety of survival. The environment is not just confined to nature. It also includes social and economic activity, which…