Category: DIY Green
Time to conserve wild life !
Do you think we are only living being suffering from global warming? our country is home to a diverse array of wildlife ranging from the highest peaks, to the driest deserts, to freshwater and marine environments and to all the places in between. The abundant and diverse wildlife resources, which are so important to…
Tell your ACs to take a chill pill!
Come on, it’s just April, The Earth month. So, the tip of the Earth month is: “This summer tell your air conditioners to take a chill pill and hibernate as long as they can.” The Air conditioners are operating ironical to their name, and heating our planet Earth. Just for the sake of cooling our…
Green Chemistry: No longer a Mystery
“Green chemistry represents the pillars that hold up our sustainable future. It is imperative to teach the value of green chemistry to tomorrow’s chemists.” very rightly quoted by Daryle Busch, explains the need of the hour, the need of the planet. Green technology is the solution to it, to end it all, to end the…
Green business is the good business!
The fact would really amaze us that not only concerned citizens, politicians and Non profit organisations are making their drive green, but also some big name companies have realized their hand in the “Go Green” campaign. Companies have realized the motive, benefits and profitable gains with the green gains. Reports say that the environmentalists no…
To Pee or Not to Pee !
To pee or not to pee, that is the question. Whether ‘suffer the pains and discomfort of a full bladder or to choose a public place in which to expel, thus displaying one’s genitalia for all to see. On a casual day, travelling around the streets and roads of India, our eyes cross the unhealthy…
Maintain a Healthy Green Space
Clean air is mandatory for a healthy lifestyle, but how can one expect the atmosphere to be pollution free in today’s era, especially those people who live in the big metropolitian cities, and those who live around industrial areas! A great and indulgive activity is a possible solution to this problem – gardening! When one…
Natural Remedies for common Skin Problems
Pollution, heat and a hectic life are the main contributors to unhealthy skin. Because of all the dust and smog that surrounds us; our skin has forgotten to breathe. When dust accumulates in our skin, it can give rise to a number of skin ailments like dullness, acne and blackheads. Washing your face with a…
Happy Earth Day to you !!!
“Happy Earth Day to you. Happy Earth Day to you. Happy Earth Day to the Earth we are destroying. Happy Earth Day to you.” This was a tweet by a very famous guy on twitter @TweetofGod and this really forced me to think about the concept of Earth Day. There is no doubt about the…
Be the Change!
Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the change you that you wish to see in the world” is quite relevant in today’s world when there are so many issues across the globe that need our attention. Climate change and global warming is one such concern. Governments, businesses and the civil society together need to take action…
School and College Campuses: Go Green
Say ‘I will drop my garbage in the bin’ 10 times. Now drop your garbage in the bin. That is one of the many innovative signs that my college, St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai has in place as its initiative to ‘Go Green’. Going green does not necessarily mean building dams for hydroelectricity and harvesting solar…