Category: Going Green
Cycling – The Greener Alternative
For all the people out there who feel that cycling only exists in the realm of childhood where kids are fascinated by the idea of having a personal bike. Gone are those sdays for us and no longer we are impressed with cycles. Adult are seen swooning over posh and swanky cars but never for…
Understanding Green Buildings: a way of life!
Cities are coming up at a massive scale across the world, rural infrastructure is being replaced by the modern, urban infrastructure. This is causing a massive push to the construction sector as we see buildings coming up around us all the time. Be it new houses, new office areas, old houses and old buildings being…
Go Green, this summer save the earth
“Man is a complex being: he makes deserts bloom – and lakes die” – Gil Stern Man, indeed is a very complex being. He works so hard earns all that money he does which is made of trees only to later spend it on conserving the same trees that were cut off to make his…
Have More Plants Around: Lead a Better Life
On my last summer getaway trip to Maldives, I was left speechless. Just as I entered my hotel, I could feel a wave of fresh air rushing through my nose. The feeling was breathtaking. It was providing instant serenity to the mind but more than that it fascinated me to find more about its existence.…
Go Green!
If skyrocketing oil prices, the booming world population and the threat of global warming hadn’t already grabbed people’s attention, last week’s record power demand and air-quality warnings certainly served as a reminder that the world faces pressing questions about its climate and energy use. While “doing something for the environment” once meant tossing a newspaper…
Is Green Living actually Implemented?
So there is this one question which makes me curious . How many people know what is green living and are they aware of what are they doing to help improve it. Having the knowledge and implementing it are two different things. From my observation, I can tell that most of us have the knowledge…
What the Earth Wants
John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address after the presidential war, had said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” As true and profound this statement is, what is worrying is how everyone seems to ignore that this holds equally, if not truer for the…
Get rid of junk- the green way!
With the exploding population and even further exploding needs of the current generation, waste disposal has become a big issue because all modern amenities seem to come for a price- the price being the health of the environment. Everything in today’s world, ranging from refills of gel pens to fast food to clothes to electronics-…
Blood Ivory
A few of you will probably draw the link between the title and the term ‘blood diamonds’ and realize what this article is going to be about. You guessed right. However, there may be some unfamiliar with the term. By the end of this article, you too will know what it refers to. Ivory is…
Greenest And Cleanest Cities in The World
The world at the beginning of the time was a rougher place, there was no qualities which can sustain life on the surface or under. Over time, like in the middle of the cosmic calender it was as lush as it can be. It was as some might call “the heaven on earth”. The balance…