Category: Going Green
Protect forests = save the globe
Human beings strangling all over the world to fulfill socio-economic wants, in this tiff between man and nature; Humans caused atrocities to the natural habitat and found himself every time on the side of loss. Loss of natural habitat has always left its everlasting effect on the growth and development of mankind. The balance between…
The jumbo cheeseburger at the new café or the yummy beef plate may be absolutely delicious, although they are a big blow to your waistlines. However, here is a lesser known fact; fast food and refined goods not only make your tummy bulge, they are a black patch on our green environment! Industrial food production…
Time to conserve wild life !
Do you think we are only living being suffering from global warming? our country is home to a diverse array of wildlife ranging from the highest peaks, to the driest deserts, to freshwater and marine environments and to all the places in between. The abundant and diverse wildlife resources, which are so important to…
Green Chemistry: No longer a Mystery
“Green chemistry represents the pillars that hold up our sustainable future. It is imperative to teach the value of green chemistry to tomorrow’s chemists.” very rightly quoted by Daryle Busch, explains the need of the hour, the need of the planet. Green technology is the solution to it, to end it all, to end the…
Green business is the good business!
The fact would really amaze us that not only concerned citizens, politicians and Non profit organisations are making their drive green, but also some big name companies have realized their hand in the “Go Green” campaign. Companies have realized the motive, benefits and profitable gains with the green gains. Reports say that the environmentalists no…
Alternatives to plastic: Healthier World
“Plastics”.. Its everywhere in our country. Its like we cannot live without them. It forms much of the packaging for our food and drink. For many of us, it is throughout our home, our workplace, our car, the bus we take to and from work. It can be in our clothing, eyeglasses, teeth, toothbrush, computers,…
Heading towards a Greener Earth- Renewable Energy
Energy exists freely in nature. This energy may be of two kinds- One that exists infinitely (never runs out), this is called renewable energy or non-conventional energy. The other that is present in finite amounts (takes millions of years to form and the sources will run out some day), this is called non-renewable energy or…
Famous Alternatives to Meat
Many of the non vegetarians who cannot imagine turning themselves away from meat for too long a time sometimes do so by virtue of the dearth of options they have as an alternative to meat. There are so many ways that you can have meat that it is almost useless to look for other options…
Green Nanotechnology: It’s easier than you think
“We are on unsustainable path. It is not as though nanotechnology will be an option; it is going to be essential for coming up with sustainable technologies”. Green nanotechnology refers to the optimum use of nanotechnology to enhance the environmental sustainability of processes producing disastrous health and environment effects. It also refers to the use…
The Dangers of Rising Sea Levels
Global warming has really had a massive impact on our environment and ecosystem, and it is increasing day by day. The phenomenon of global warming is usually caused due to emission of green house gases in the atmosphere. Green house gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour and the deadly chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s). The…