Author: Green Blogger

  • Humor for Healthy living!

    Humor for Healthy living!

    In that continuous ruckus of materialistic busy life, we forgot some vital things which are necessary to live! We are humans as you know and not a static machine. And out of this life of hurry and flurry we tend to forget what laughing is. We get so easily muddled with the machines and electronic…

  • Plastics Harming the Environment? We try to find out

    Plastics Harming the Environment? We try to find out

    These days plastics have been used for various items such as bottles, bags etc. But what most of the people don’t know is that what are the harmful chemicals present in it. Most of the people who buy water bottles happen to dispose them instead of reusing them. As calculations taken from a report around…

  • The Rise of Environmentalists

    The Rise of Environmentalists

    “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed”, Mahatma Gandhi once said. It’s this environmental awareness that’s inexplicably procured a growing hype and has given birth to several environmentalists over the years. You might be frivolous towards the various environmental issues that reign now, but wouldn’t it be wise to…

  • Going Places: Travel Green

    Going Places: Travel Green

    Summers are around and the school students are out for the summers. In the scorching heat, some people prefer to stay indoors and chill out while others pack up and leave for a trip to some place outside. Be it travelers or tourists, it is quite essential for them to travel the right way such…

  • The Carbon Crisis, Carbon Credits & Its Market

    The Carbon Crisis, Carbon Credits & Its Market

    The massively beneficial developments that have occurred in various sectors of our existence since the Industrial Revolution, while vastly improving the quality of life, have all brought with them one very dangerous by product – carbon, in multiple harmful forms. From the air conditioners, refrigerators, and televisions that we are so accustomed to making use…

  • How to Convince People to Go Green

    How to Convince People to Go Green

    Say there is a Mr. X that is absolutely hell bent on not adopting an eco friendly lifestyle. He refuses to turn off the ignition at traffic signals, finds it too much work to carry cloth bags for grocery shopping and in general finds the rest of the world proclaiming and heralding greener ways of…

  • Making it too salty- Salinization!

    Making it too salty- Salinization!

    follAlong with other minerals and nutrients, soil is rich in salt content. The salt content is collectively termed as soil salinity which is essential for the existence of various plants and other organisms to whom soil is the home. The increase in this salt content above the normal level due to any process whatsoever is…

  • Eutrophication- The nature replies!

    Eutrophication- The nature replies!

    Eutrophicationis a scientific term which refers to the way ecosystem responds to natural or artificial addition of nutrients to a water body. Just like all the processes of humans beings are made possible from the energy they get from food, algae grow in the sea deriving their energy needs directly from the nutrients available in…

  • Proper Waste Management today for a better tomorrow

    Proper Waste Management today for a better tomorrow

      India is the second most populous country, which has about 16% of the world population and 2.4% of the land area. Rapid industrialization in the last few decades had led to the depletion of precious natural resources in India continuously. Furthermore, the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities…

  • These household plants will pave way for better health

    These household plants will pave way for better health

    There is an old saying in India that goes like “…he went searching all over town for a cure, all the while having herbs in his own backyard.” The green wave that has hit our world due to degradation of quality of our environment may splash against rocks of the outside world, blunting the edges…