Author: Green Blogger
Four Days In a Forest…
It was 2006 and i was living in a residential school in one of the western districts of Tamil Nadu. Like how every school will be having picnics and tour’s, we had a tour that year. But it’s a new step this time. The school was taking us to one of a late discovered lake…
Sustainability and Future Generations
The concept of sustainability is now all-pervasive. There are government sustainability-related agencies, companies have sustainability as a goal, there are sustainability institutes, and sustainability features in laws and international agreements. A particularly important feature of sustainability is the idea of acting now for the benefit of future generations. Very often, if you ask people why…
Extinction of animals: a serious problem
The beautiful sight of a pink headed duck that could have once been seen on the Gangetic plains of India, Bangladesh and Myanmar is matter of past now. There had been a fear of extinction of this species since the 1950s and recently hardly any proof has been found of its continued existence. The…
Nuts are good for you
We all like to enjoy our fair share of nuts. Nuts are delicious and packed with nutrition. Nuts also come in myriad shapes, sizes and varieties. It is no surprise that almost all cuisines in the world have incorporated nuts in their dishes. Nuts can be enjoyed alone or as garnish. They are the favourite of…
Organic solutions to summer skin problems
Here comes the season for bad skin, acne, oily skin and unwanted blemishes. Summers might be the favorite season of a few because we finally get rid of those too-many clothes problem and shutting ourselves in our houses. However, I know everybody will agree with me that summer is the season when maximum discomfort is…
Wheels Going Green !!
Are you die-hard fan of Formula 1? Are you stunned by racing cars! Running hard on race course. Do you know how much these racing cars utilize fuels and emits. We all know that petrol, diesels and various fuels are becoming a luxury for a middle class being. We all know how necessary these fuels…
Eco-friendly furniture for the eco-conscious individual
The first thing that comes to the mind when buying home décor is furniture. Whether shifting to a new house or re-decorating our homes- furniture is one thing that we buy after a great amount of discussion and deliberation. Stylish furnishing gives an elegant look to the house and that is the reason why we…
Are household cleaning products safe to use?
We all use cleaning products in our home to keep it clean and sanitized. From the bathroom to the kitchen, the windows to the floor- almost every object in the house is being cleaned by market bought cleaners. These cleaners give out a pleasant smell and effectively get rid of all grime and dust that…
Deforestation: Depletion of Forest Cover!
Deforestation is the clearance or clearing and the removal of a forest cover or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted for non-forest use. Examples of deforestation are mainly the removal of forestland for conversion into farms, ranches, or for urban use. Deforestation is the…