Author: Green Blogger

  • Answering the Hype about Meditation

    Answering the Hype about Meditation

    You have all heard it. We are by now used to the litany. It is apparently huge and it is not only spiritual benefits that you get out of it as it has medical and scientific benefits too. It changes the entire way you view things and suddenly you are this new person who is…

  • Be the Change!

    Be the Change!

    Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the change you that you wish to see in the world” is quite relevant in today’s world when there are so many issues across the globe that need our attention. Climate change and global warming is one such concern. Governments, businesses and the civil society together need to take action…

  • The Water Myths Scandal

    The Water Myths Scandal

    Over the years a lot of people have asked you to refrain from doing a lot of things because presumably it is bad for your health and your well being. You believed them as do millions of us and you stopped. But guess what? There is very little or no scientific basis in what others…

  • Ways to Go Green Before you Even Get to Work…

    Ways to Go Green Before you Even Get to Work…

    Do you ever find yourself thinking something along the lines of, “I’d like to be more environmentally friendly but I just don’t have the time?”  Maybe you think that recycling and sorting wastes and all the other things that go into being a “greener” person would just be too much of a commitment?  What if…

  • Summertime Sadness

    Summertime Sadness

    Okay it has been around for some time now but with the scorching heat, burning temperature and boiling skin, summer is finally here. As I declare its advent, you must be already cursing the weather and making peace with every other person advising you on how to beat the heat. Clothing: the light colored cotton…

  • Captive Breeding: Is it Really Any Good ?

    Captive Breeding: Is it Really Any Good ?

    ‘So many baby crocodiles, dad!’ exclaimed Nigella, hoisted up in her father’s arms at the Madras Croc Bank, Chennai. To the wide-eyed child, it was a source of great amazement, but the concept of ex-situ conservation is something that the world has yet to come to a decision yet. There is great need of conservation…

  • School and College Campuses: Go Green

    School and College Campuses: Go Green

    Say ‘I will drop my garbage in the bin’ 10 times. Now drop your garbage in the bin. That is one of the many innovative signs that my college, St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai has in place as its initiative to ‘Go Green’. Going green does not necessarily mean building dams for hydroelectricity and harvesting solar…

  • The Living Things at Home

    The Living Things at Home

    If I were talking about you and me then I would say human beings but I am not. I am talking about the others who become a part of our family having spent years with us. The ones we cannot imagine our homes without. Now technically, many of us who have never known the joy…

  • Bottled Water Health Hazards

    Bottled Water Health Hazards

    The hype about bottled water! Is it too much? Is bottled water much more preferable than tap water? Is it really healthy? People spend a whooping amount of $100 billion every year on bottled water in the belief (often fallacious) that it is better for us than what comes out of the taps. Worldwide, bottled…

  • The Magic of Polite Living

    The Magic of Polite Living

    Everyone that you meet has a story. And while you may not know what is keeping them from smiling, you might very well end up contributing to their already whetted mortal agony with your behavior or attitude towards them. The very approach you take in dealing with some unknown strangers can at time stay with…