Author: Green Blogger
Cloud Seeding: The Tech Induced rain
Cloud Seeding is relatively old yet not fully exploited means of weather modification.It attempts to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds,by releasing into the air,substances that serve as cloud condensation.This alters the micro-physical processes within the cloud.The usual intention is to increase precipitation in the area.Other weather modifications are hail…
Plastic Pollution: What are We Looking at?
We have plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic packets, plastic jars, plastic mugs, plastic buckets, plastic toys, plastic gadgets, plastic equipments, plastic jewellery, plastic containers, plastic utensils, plastic glasses, plastic plates, plastic cups, plastic chairs, plastic tables, plastic pipes, plastic artworks and a number of other plastic products to assure us that plastic is not to…
Fuel Efficient Cars – Cons and Pros.
+ In today’s modern world, every one likes and loves modern technologybased gadgets and stuffs. Cars are one of the most wanted stuffs, intoday’s world. Cars are of many types and on many basis, but here dowe only concentrate on fuel efficient cars. But before directly movingon to the fuel efficient cars, let me give…
Air Pollution: The Air We Breathe.
Air Pollution: The Air we breathe. We all wonder what air pollution is? We breathe every day and we do not see any change or damage being caused. This is because the effects of air pollution are slow but fatal. Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulates, biological materials, or other harmful materials…
Geothermal Energy: The Engery for the Future.
The modern cities is growing at an alarming rate of 8-10% in terms of size and population.This is leading to a huge demand for energy such as electricity etc or daily needs of the people living in these cities.As the fossil fuels are slowly running out,we turn our attention to one of the biggest sources…
Health is Wealth – Really?
The STATEMENT “health is wealth” adds a large meaning to our life as health is most valuable and precious for every individual. Good health means not only a state of being disease free but it also means the individual is physically mentally and spiritually fit. and if it is not ..if the human is not…
Economics of Sustainability
International conferences on poverty and the environment come and go. The UN Millennium Development Goals are debated in many conferences. But there’s always a big elephant in the meeting room. It’s got the words “macroeconomic policy” written on its forehead. Nobody wants to talk about it. As if reducing hunger and extreme poverty, generating employment…
Get Started on your Own Vegetable Garden
Making your own vegetable garden is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It is a great way to pass your free time, alone or with family. A well-tended vegetable garden looks beautiful, not to mention the joy of getting to eat freshly picked vegetables all year round. A garden is like a child. It needs proper…
100% Cotton!
You must have noticed that your mother really wants you to wear cotton clothes. Do you have memories of your parents forcing a cotton top or a cotton shirt onto you because the fabric is apparently just too good to be true? Well, some of us do. And guess what they were right. There is…
World War III – Water War ?
Water is every living being’s lifeline that plays dual role- it bathes us and feeds us. Right from the ancient time water represented the very essence of life. Water has not only played a role in the history of countries, but also in religion, mythology, and art. Most religions believe that water cleanses the souls.…