Category: DIY Green
Make your hair go green- but not literally!
To all the young ladies out there, I’m sure everybody absolutely loves to style and color their hair in different ways and types- crimping, straightening, curling, frizzing, blow drying, streaking- there are a million options nowadays, to make your hair look like they never have before. With so many options available, since it has become…
How can Carbon footprint be tracked daily?
Today when we are outside, especially now, the heat makes it unbearable for us to enjoy summer. The temperatures have soared beyond no limits and as kids we have been learning the reason for this- global warming. Global warming is the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which is the…
Wheels Going Green !!
Are you die-hard fan of Formula 1? Are you stunned by racing cars! Running hard on race course. Do you know how much these racing cars utilize fuels and emits. We all know that petrol, diesels and various fuels are becoming a luxury for a middle class being. We all know how necessary these fuels…
Eco-friendly furniture for the eco-conscious individual
The first thing that comes to the mind when buying home décor is furniture. Whether shifting to a new house or re-decorating our homes- furniture is one thing that we buy after a great amount of discussion and deliberation. Stylish furnishing gives an elegant look to the house and that is the reason why we…
Are household cleaning products safe to use?
We all use cleaning products in our home to keep it clean and sanitized. From the bathroom to the kitchen, the windows to the floor- almost every object in the house is being cleaned by market bought cleaners. These cleaners give out a pleasant smell and effectively get rid of all grime and dust that…
Deforestation: Depletion of Forest Cover!
Deforestation is the clearance or clearing and the removal of a forest cover or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted for non-forest use. Examples of deforestation are mainly the removal of forestland for conversion into farms, ranches, or for urban use. Deforestation is the…
Green designing: Green Landscaping
The multi-layered garden looked perfect. There were tiny pebbles surrounding the indoor miniature pond. As Amrita opened up her month’s electricity bill, she was rather happy that the bill had decreased ever since she had given up the junky urban decorative items and a myriad of lamps to green landscaping. She thanked her stars that…
Biogas ! a boon
IMAGINE early morning you went in the kitchen to boil the milk and u saw that your LPG has exhausted! And when you call for new, you come to know that LPG has been not only exhausted from your cylinder but the whole world! Yeah it can be your nightmare but a day will come…
How To Cope With Summer Heat…
For most of us summer means heat, watermelon and ice cream. When a heat wave hits our country, all hell breaks loose. It will be all over the news, social websites. It affects how we move, how we talk, how we think and our behavior. I don’t understand…
Traditional cigarettes or electronic cigarettes- the choice is easy
‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’- this is a statutory warning that we notice on each and every cigarette box across the globe. Nevertheless seeing this warning over the years has not led us to change our lifestyle or quit cigarettes. There are millions of people in the world who are addicted to cigarettes and cigars.…