Category: Going Green

  • Being Green is an Attitude

    Being Green is an Attitude

    You know the thing about common sense? It is not common. Yup, as Calvin (from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip by Bill Waterson) very aptly put it: “I have PLENTY of common sense! I just choose to ignore it”. And don’t we all? Common sense can be such a nuisance. Why bother with it…

  • Rain-water harvesting

    Rain-water harvesting

    Rain water needs to be rightly used to keep water scarcity problems at bay. Rain water harvesting is one of the ways of doing it and in continents like Asia and Africa, this technique is commonly approached. Moreover, this is being done since 2000 years in Thailand. This water can be used for a number…

  • Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Solutions

    Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Solutions

    The term ‘acid rain’ can refer to any form of wet or dry precipitation that contains unusually high and thus dangerous amounts of acids such as sulfuric and nitric acids. It is generally formed because the large amounts of such substances present in the atmosphere – a little due to natural sources like volcanoes but…

  • Community Knowledge

    Community Knowledge

    Community knowledge refers to the knowledge possessed by the different communities and societies all over the world that is utilized to carry out the day to day activities. Community knowledge includes scientific knowledge associated with occupations and life styles influenced by industrialization, also knowledge associated with traditional occupations, especially in developing countries. Both the kinds…

  • How Water Footprint Is the new Big Concern

    How Water Footprint Is the new Big Concern

    To the average consumer, being “environment conscious” or “eco-friendly” may seem a fairly simple concept to understand.  Being “eco-friendly” at the individual or household level can range from judicious use of resources like water and electricity and recycling waste, to a reduced use of environmentally harmful material like plastic bags in day-to-day activities. If one…

  • Global Warming vs Greenhouse Effect

    Global Warming vs Greenhouse Effect

    Global Warming and greenhouse effect are two words which we hear often related to the environment or green living. When we research about these two terminologies we often find that there is some interlink between them and often confuse ourselves by thinking that they are similar to each other or almost the same. But the…

  • Amusement parks going green!!

    Amusement parks going green!!

    Its’ hot summer you are about to die in this scorching heat! But you got a solution to ease it by spending leisure and adventurous time in the amusement park!! Imagine if you go in the park and see no water in the pool! Or deserted amusement park won’t amuse you for sure. Amusement parks…

  • How Green are your Appliances?

    How Green are your Appliances?

    How green are your appliances? What do we think about when we buy our appliances? The biggest factor is definitely price followed by aesthetics. Seldom do we ponder about what goes in making an appliance. Are the materials harming the environment? Do they contain harmful chemicals. But as a consumer we definitely don’t lose our…

  • Green Techniques Followed in Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Green Techniques Followed in Abu Dhabi, UAE

    The people of this city let alone the entire nation have developed a appetite for luxury and novelty. They live in luxurious villas on man made island shaped palm fronds. They play golf on lush courses that can require up to 4 million gallons of water a day to stay green. And when summer temperatures soar…

  • The Perfect Makeover

    The Perfect Makeover

    TAKE SOMETHING THAT ISNT USEFUL ANYMORE AND CONVERT IT INTO SOMETHING NEW INSTEAD OF JUST THROWING IT AWAY. The process of changing waste materials into new products to prevent wastage of potentially useful materials, reduce consumption of fresh materials, save energy, reduce pollution of all forms ( air pollution, water pollution) and lower greenhouse emission…