Category: Going Green
To Pee or Not to Pee !
To pee or not to pee, that is the question. Whether ‘suffer the pains and discomfort of a full bladder or to choose a public place in which to expel, thus displaying one’s genitalia for all to see. On a casual day, travelling around the streets and roads of India, our eyes cross the unhealthy…
Coral Reefs- Beauty of Marine Life
Often called rainforests of the sea’, coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on the Earth. Coral are colonies of tiny animals called polyp found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. They belong to the group cnidaria ( ‘c’ is silent). Other cnidarians include hydras, jellyfish and sea anemones. Corals are sessile animals, meaning…
Mobile Phone Recycling
The mobile phone,a simple gadget of communication that has risen up the ranks to form an integral part of our life.An everyday object that’s a extension of our own persona and caters to our various needs such as calling,video chatting,location services etc.Buying a new phone every time one is released in the market.But have we…
Maintain a Healthy Green Space
Clean air is mandatory for a healthy lifestyle, but how can one expect the atmosphere to be pollution free in today’s era, especially those people who live in the big metropolitian cities, and those who live around industrial areas! A great and indulgive activity is a possible solution to this problem – gardening! When one…
Ozone Depletion: Alert!
OZONE DEPLETION: ALERT! The ozone layer refers to a region of Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun’s UV radiation. It contains high concentrations of ozone (O3) relative to other parts of the atmosphere, although it is still very small relative to other gases in the stratosphere. Ozone layer depletion refers to the decline…
Natural Remedies for common Skin Problems
Pollution, heat and a hectic life are the main contributors to unhealthy skin. Because of all the dust and smog that surrounds us; our skin has forgotten to breathe. When dust accumulates in our skin, it can give rise to a number of skin ailments like dullness, acne and blackheads. Washing your face with a…
Happy Earth Day to you !!!
“Happy Earth Day to you. Happy Earth Day to you. Happy Earth Day to the Earth we are destroying. Happy Earth Day to you.” This was a tweet by a very famous guy on twitter @TweetofGod and this really forced me to think about the concept of Earth Day. There is no doubt about the…
A Comprehensive Summer Food Guide
Summer is the time to have fun and enjoy in the sun. It is a time for lazy swims in the pool or weekend picnics in the park. But summer cannot be complete without some delicious foods to snack on. But having everything and anything may not be a very good idea. The idea is…
Acid Mine Drainage:The River of Destruction
As the industrial revolution surges forwards and the technological innovation continues.There is an increasing demand for raw materials such as iron,copper etc.These are mainly obtained from mining.Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth from an ore body, lode or seam which forms the mineralized package of economic interest…
Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright…
Even though I’m not a man of poems, or a literature nut, I have to say, William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ I will always remember. For some inexplicable reason, it has been branded into my brain, ever since I learned it in school. Its verses have not left my mind, even after 7 years, and today…