Category: Going Green
The Ingenious Practice of Crop Rotation
The phenomenon of growing more than one type of crop on a single piece of land in chronological seasons is called crop rotation. This tactic has been employed by farmers for many years to preserve the fertility of the soil as well as to yield good produce all year round. The early traces of crop…
Natural Homemade Solutions for Long Lustrous Hair
Long beautiful hair is a sign of health and vitality. Every woman yearns for a thick and lustrous mane that they can show off to the world. But due to unhealthy eating habits, irregular sleep and pollution- 80% of the population suffers from some form of hair damage. Dandruff, thinning air, eczema, split ends, greasiness,…
How Eco-Friendly is your Home???
“Home is where our heart is” and home defines the beauty of a homemaker. Most of us like to enjoy the beauty of nature. But considering today’s scenario and our buzzing life and changing lifestyle, how often do we go to places where we can experience the nature and appreciate its beauty? We…
Global Warming: The World On Fire!
GLOBAL WARMING: THE WORLD ON FIRE! As the name suggest global warming in simple words refers to the increase in temperatures resulting in heating of the globe. But let us give you a better and broader definition of global warming: “Global warming refers to an unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth’s…
Sustainability- From Ignorance to Care.
How can the Aam Aadmi implement sustainability? It is quite often that we talk about conservation of environment. It is easier for us to blame some governmental policies or the works done by other people which result in pollution. Actually, it’s not the job of only the UN or the government or your neighbour. It…
Water Scarcity: The Scare.
Water Scarcity: The Scare. Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking…
Green Living- Towards a Better Future
It is a sad truth that as our environment is slowly withering away to ruins; most people are not even bothered about it. Pollution, green house gases, cutting down trees and industrialisation are just a few of the hundred dreadful human deeds that are leading the earth towards total destruction. Many people lead normal happy…
Mining: Why a Threat?
What is mining? Mining is the extraction of valuable materials, extraction of metal from the surface and below the earth from an ore body, lode, vein, stem or reef which has an economic impact for the miner. It is also the extraction of non-renewable resources such as crude oil, petroleum, etc. The…
WANTED! Organic Green Revolution
Green revolution that happened in India in the 1960s involved high yielding seeds of wheat, rice and maize; fertilizers, pesticides; machines and irrigation technology. But overuse of these same chemicals has exhausted soil’s productive capacity, too much use of fertilizers has had adverse environmental effects. Thus to feed the world and to restore ecological health…
ACID RAIN: A DEATH CALL. Acid rain refers to rain, or any form of precipitation that is acidic in nature, which means it contains hazardous compounds and causes a low pH leve (contains elevated levels of hydrogen ions). Acid rain has harmful effects on plants, animals and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by emissions of…