Tag: green living

  • Being Green is an Attitude

    Being Green is an Attitude

    You know the thing about common sense? It is not common. Yup, as Calvin (from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip by Bill Waterson) very aptly put it: “I have PLENTY of common sense! I just choose to ignore it”. And don’t we all? Common sense can be such a nuisance. Why bother with it…

  • Keep your environment clean!

    Keep your environment clean!

    We are sometimes so caught up in our busy lives that we don’t bother about getting stranded in the middle of good-for-nothing junk. Awful litter seems to be strewn everywhere around our homes. Half-eaten edibles, waste paper and all other futile things move in and around our house with a prototypical rhythm. Yet, we neglect…

  • Recycling : The codes and basics

    Recycling : The codes and basics

    Converting waste materials that are potentially useful into new products ,in order to reduce the energy usage , to prevent pollution ,to curb  the  release of greenhouse gases and also to prevent the waste disposal is called as recycling. The mantra ‘ Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ is indeed something that has acquired acute preponderance nowadays.…

  • Overpopulation: The impact on our environment

    Overpopulation: The impact on our environment

    With the accelerated rate of increase of the population in the world, our Mother Earth herself is undergoing a massive crisis by the various threats of ‘Overpopulation’ .The word alone spills the intended message. Every 12 years, there are one billion people added to our globe. The main problem due to this is overcrowding and…

  • Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!

    Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!

    With an increase in the number of vehicles and the harmful release of gases, our green environment claims are sure to go up in fumes. That is when the idea of a ‘green vehicle’ comes into the scenario. What is a green vehicle? It can also be termed as an environmentally- friendly vehicle that doesn’t…

  • Green furniture: Elegance redefined !

    Green furniture: Elegance redefined !

    Everyone longs to have fine intricate furniture endowed with some of the most fascinating details and looks. But, in a world where the environment is readily getting damaged by the numerous techniques of urbanization, don’t you think that buying ‘green’ furniture with the details of your choice, should play the trick and fortunately, drive you…

  • The Green Revolution

    The Green Revolution

    The origination of the term Green Revolution is attributed to an American scientist, Norman Borlaug . He was indulged in a research in the 1940’s to produce high-yield varieties of wheat that could provide resistance to diseases. In the year 1960, Mexico became an exporter of wheat. Consequently, the green revolution technologies were encouraged in…

  • Is Green Living actually Implemented?

    Is Green Living actually Implemented?

    So there is this one question which makes me curious . How many people know what is green living and are they aware of what are they doing to help improve it. Having the knowledge and implementing it are two different things. From my observation, I can tell that most of us have the knowledge…

  • Toxic chemicals are everywhere in our home!

    Toxic chemicals are everywhere in our home!

                          In our day to day life, all of us are surrounded by a lot of chemical attack and we are not even aware that it is happening! It became an everyday scenario in our home.  From our morning coffee and mouthwash to body lotion,…

  • Acid rain: The Ugly Truth

    Acid rain: The Ugly Truth

    Rain .The word alone radiates freshness. But, what if this rain turns into an intoxicating, lethal fluid that would pour its atrocious devastating impact on us? Yes, we are talking about the acid rain ! What exactly is acid rain? It is actually a precipitation that’s interspersed with nitric and sulphuric acids in great amounts…