Tag: Green World

  • Being Green is an Attitude

    Being Green is an Attitude

    You know the thing about common sense? It is not common. Yup, as Calvin (from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip by Bill Waterson) very aptly put it: “I have PLENTY of common sense! I just choose to ignore it”. And don’t we all? Common sense can be such a nuisance. Why bother with it…

  • Rain-water harvesting

    Rain-water harvesting

    Rain water needs to be rightly used to keep water scarcity problems at bay. Rain water harvesting is one of the ways of doing it and in continents like Asia and Africa, this technique is commonly approached. Moreover, this is being done since 2000 years in Thailand. This water can be used for a number…

  • Keep your environment clean!

    Keep your environment clean!

    We are sometimes so caught up in our busy lives that we don’t bother about getting stranded in the middle of good-for-nothing junk. Awful litter seems to be strewn everywhere around our homes. Half-eaten edibles, waste paper and all other futile things move in and around our house with a prototypical rhythm. Yet, we neglect…

  • Composting-The Green Way

    Composting-The Green Way

    What is Composting? Composting can be defined as the biological decomposition and stabilization of organic substrates, under conditions which allow development of thermophilic temperatures as a result of biologically produced heat, leading to a final product which is stable for storage and provides nutrition to land without causing any adverse environmental effects. Simply putting, it…

  • Passive daylighting : A green-building strategy

    Passive daylighting : A green-building strategy

    Exhilarating sunny mornings. Cold milkshakes. Heavy sun-tan. A scintillating walk under the sun. If you say that the sun gets you lively, active and going, I couldn’t agree more!! The sunlight does have its own health benefits. But, do you know how the sun also serves as an abundant and generous provider of natural light…

  • The Ozone Layer – Your Invisible Protection

    The Ozone Layer – Your Invisible Protection

    Are you the kind of person who likes a nice, quiet walk? Or the kind who likes to be out of the house every evening? Do you believe in an invisible protector? Believe it or not, you do have one. The only reason you can go out anywhere without erupting into boils and rashes is…

  • Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!

    Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!

    With an increase in the number of vehicles and the harmful release of gases, our green environment claims are sure to go up in fumes. That is when the idea of a ‘green vehicle’ comes into the scenario. What is a green vehicle? It can also be termed as an environmentally- friendly vehicle that doesn’t…

  • Green furniture: Elegance redefined !

    Green furniture: Elegance redefined !

    Everyone longs to have fine intricate furniture endowed with some of the most fascinating details and looks. But, in a world where the environment is readily getting damaged by the numerous techniques of urbanization, don’t you think that buying ‘green’ furniture with the details of your choice, should play the trick and fortunately, drive you…

  • The Green Revolution

    The Green Revolution

    The origination of the term Green Revolution is attributed to an American scientist, Norman Borlaug . He was indulged in a research in the 1940’s to produce high-yield varieties of wheat that could provide resistance to diseases. In the year 1960, Mexico became an exporter of wheat. Consequently, the green revolution technologies were encouraged in…

  • Green tea: A heavenly beverage

    Green tea: A heavenly beverage

    Sitting at the coffee-shop, savouring every single sip of her green tea, Kruti was transported to a different world. “Earth to Kruti! ,” gasped her friend  Rahul.” What magic does that beverage weave?! Every time we go out , there is always that one thing you need ,  Green tea!!” Kruti grinned and replied ,”…