Month: May 2014

  • Consumerism Will Consume Us

    Consumerism Will Consume Us

    Mrs. McPhee pushed the cart along the aisle in the multi-national chain of supermarkets and kept throwing in shiny packaged articles at ninja speed. Her two children kept adding to the pile as well. George wanted a red car while Greg wanted a black one. There, two cars added. Having billed a mountain of processed…

  • Over Population – A Major Havoc in Future

    Over Population – A Major Havoc in Future

    A recent study by WWF shows us that the population has a major havoc on our planet. There are just too many people for the earth to carry and have an eye. The study also states that over population is the main cause in the reduction of biodiversity, pollution, natural resources, and food. At the current…

  • Smoking- A Style Statement or A Cause of Cancer?

    Smoking- A Style Statement or A Cause of Cancer?

    “Can I have a packet of ‘Marlboro’ cigarettes?” “Sure. 70 bucks”, replied the shopkeeper. “Here.”, said Aman after taking the third packet in the day.   Smoking continues to be one of the major hobbies taken up by the youngsters these days. And not only hobbies, it has somehow crept into the lifestyle, with the…

  • Animal extinction – just live and let them live!

    Animal extinction – just live and let them live!

    Throughout the world, a number of species exist in different countries, oceans, rain forests, deserts, tropical lands, ice lands, etc. Experts estimate that currently there are about 1.4 million species. The world is pretty large, and the existence of a number of species in every corner of the world makes it difficult for the researchers…

  • E-Waste: An emerging problem

    E-Waste: An emerging problem

    “Electronic waste” may be defined as discarded computers, office electronic equipment, entertainment device like television, refrigerators, computers etc. the waste which is caused by electronic material is known as e waste.This definition includes used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal.e waste generally means that waste which is caused by old…

  • Being Forty- From Worried to Careful

    Being Forty- From Worried to Careful

    Are you above forty? Has your health started declining because you do not have time to go to gymnasium? Or you worked too hard last night, and feel too much tired to wake up at six and go for a morning walk or a jog? Well, it is the time to stop worrying and start…

  • How Green are your Appliances?

    How Green are your Appliances?

    How green are your appliances? What do we think about when we buy our appliances? The biggest factor is definitely price followed by aesthetics. Seldom do we ponder about what goes in making an appliance. Are the materials harming the environment? Do they contain harmful chemicals. But as a consumer we definitely don’t lose our…

  • Coal Industry- From Abundance to Extinction

    Coal Industry- From Abundance to Extinction

    Coal industry forms one of the major industries in the commerce of most of the countries, including India. Availability in cheap prices and bulk are responsible for such large scale use of coal. Neither mining, nor usage of coal requires rocket science, unlike the renewable sources of energy, which need highly technical devices and research.…

  • Care for Ears – Our Sound Sensors

    Care for Ears – Our Sound Sensors

    Hearing is one of our most crucial senses, which allows us to communicate, to learn and to enjoy things like music and conversation. However, many people do not realize that they are exposing their ears to a huge amount of potentially damaging noise on a daily basis, even though they are not in noisy regions…

  • Green Techniques Followed in Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Green Techniques Followed in Abu Dhabi, UAE

    The people of this city let alone the entire nation have developed a appetite for luxury and novelty. They live in luxurious villas on man made island shaped palm fronds. They play golf on lush courses that can require up to 4 million gallons of water a day to stay green. And when summer temperatures soar…