Author: Green Blogger
Moving in, the green way
“Home is where the heart belongs”- this quote, as simple and pure as it is, is true to its core. Home is not just a construction of bricks and cement; it is an archive of memories, of laughter, of sorrows and most of all, relationships and family bonding. So we know, house isn’t just…
Waste Management – Solutions and Its Importance
It seems the more we create the more we throw away. Early humans did not produce as much garbage as modern humans. During the pre-modern era, most of the waste produced was either ashes or human biodegradable waste which could be released back into the land without causing much harm to the environment. In the…
Earth hour- a united effort towards a better planet
Earth hour is a worldwide phenomenon engaging more than seven thousand cities across the world in a joint and collaborative effort to help protect the earth from environmental concerns. It was first started as a lights-off initiative by World Wide Fund for Nature or WWF in Sydney, Australia but has now gathered epic proportions with…
Inject the green ways into the Fresh Life – Save Earth
It is a known fact that the future generations will decide the fate of this planet. It is requisite to give children the basic idea of the planet’s condition. When a child is taught about the seriousness of the issues right from his/her childhood, they would pave a green way for their generations. Children should…
Applications of solar energy
The light and heat from the sun is harnessed strategically using solar thermal electricity, solar photovoltaics , solar architecture and this energy harnessed is called as the solar energy. There are two kinds of solar energy that can be harnessed. One is passive solar energy and the other is active solar energy. Active solar energy…
Protect the Oxygen Emitters – The Trees
Humans have been evolving right from the pre- historic times. Not only the humans but also the way they think and do, everything has evolved. Development has been the major keyword since then. Development in every phase has been very significant for what we have become now. New buildings were built and infrastructure was developed.…
Necessary Human Habits that are harming Eco-friendly living
Humans are always in a constant battle to save planet earth, let alone improving and contributing towards its existence. Problems seem to arise from every nook and corner of the globe, natural disasters like earthquake, landslides, etc etc. Fixing the problem with a definite solution goes a long way in helping, but the fact that…
The Eco-friendly route to a green career!
With the world so focused on getting good levels of education and qualifications so that one’s career is fully and properly settled, ever paused to wonder how a career option could not just benefit you and your family but the environment in the smallest of ways? From white-collared jobs to green-collared jobs, there are indeed…
Guidelines to put together the perfect eco-friendly beauty salon
In the last decade of so, there has been a monumental upsurge of beauty salons across the world. As individuals, we are becoming increasingly conscious of our looks and our appearance. We spend tons of money in expensive hair and skin care salons trying to beautify ourselves. But what is the use of such beauty…
6 Eco-friendly cookwares : Make that perfect stir today!
Eco-friendly techniques have stirred the concerns of several chefs and the efficient techniques for healthy cooking are what that are needed in the kitchens of the modern day. The Eco-friendly cookwares have been very popular just because they have ceramic coatings and not Teflon. Teflon coating is said to be not good for cooking since…