Author: Green Blogger
Green Chemistry- The Alternative
Among the various steps to save the planet by following green living, the concept of ‘Green Chemistry’ has emerged to be a very good initiative throughout the world. As the phrase says, designing the various processes and chemicals involved in order to reduce their harmful effect on the environment is called Green Chemistry. If you…
Plastic pollution implies accumulation of plastics products in the environment that adversely affects the humans as well as the wildlife. Recycling plastic requires great processing .It is not as easy as glass or metal. Thus reusing plastic comes as a great alternative to protect the environment. Once you start looking for ways to reuse plastic…
5 Tips to green-clean your home
Keeping one’s home spruced up and hygienic is quite a necessity now that there are so many diseases springing up everywhere around the globe. It is quite essential to maintain a house that is presentable as well as clean in a natural way. Dusting off the nooks and corners of your home might seem like…
In earlier times places used to be green ,people had trees and plants in their locality in streets, there was no need of green parks. Green parks are those areas in a locality where trees and plants are grown. People go there in routine for fresh air. Green spaces and parks are part of our…
The best green hotels and resorts in the world
When you decide to go green, there are several ways of doing that. Of course start from making your home green to choosing green brands for your lifestyle needs. But there is also a fun way of doing this where you don’t need to really think about what you do. You just need to enjoy…
Eco-friendly aquaculture
Aquaculture is basically fish-farming that considers aquatic organisms like mollusks, aquatic plants and also fish. The first Eco-clean fish farming was started and executed in Israel. Thereafter, it began to spread around the world. With the increasing population of human beings around the globe, the demand for fishes and other aquatic animals is also on…
Eco-friendly soaps : Non-toxic and 100% biodegradable
Did you know that every time you use soap, there are so many chemicals moving towards landfills and causing a huge amount of destruction to the environment? These harmful chemicals ostensibly pose a grave threat to our Mother Nature. Moreover, there are many fragrances and sweet smelling chemicals that are infused in these recent soaps.…
Organic wool : An eco-friendly reason to shun the conventional wool production
The warm, itchy and the fabric loved by everyone-wool is considered as one of the greatest natural available fibers. This is because of it property of keeping you warm no matter what the weather is. Even in extremely cold conditions, wool takes cares of your body from the intense climate and keeps you warm enough.…
Know the greenest companies on planet earth
Today we see many companies taking up initiatives to go green. Sustainability has become a trend in the corporate world. But not everyone knows the real meaning of going green. It is not only about producing eco friendly products but also about green methods of production. There are some companies which inculcated sustainability in their…
7 Energy-efficient and Eco-friendly building materials
The building materials that are nowadays used are preferred to be Eco-friendly and include renewable, non-toxic, reusable as well as recyclable materials. These materials not only provide the necessary comfort required in a house but also are known for their longer life span and sustainability. The Eco-friendly building materials mainly consist of energy-efficient and cost-effective…