Author: Green Blogger

  • Impact of human activities

    Impact of human activities

    The earth is a place where we live in. There is lot of issues which is prevailing in our home (earth). Some of the issues are caused naturally but most of the issues are caused due to man’s activity. We have to protect our environment from its natural and manmade dangers, and use our earth…

  • Narmada Bachao Andolan- The Ongoing Protests and Plans

    Narmada Bachao Andolan- The Ongoing Protests and Plans

    In the recent years, there has been a lot of buzz about Narmada Bachao Andolan. This article will try to make some points clears about the project, and on the same time, will try to focus on the different aspects of building a dam across a river. Is it really important to build a dam…

  • Eliminating the Concept of Waste- Germany’s First Waste-free Market

    Eliminating the Concept of Waste- Germany’s First Waste-free Market

    While talking about the issues of environment, management of resources, the concept of waste appears as one of the most important ones. A large part of our resources goes into waste, and these products become completely useless. Many of these waste produces harm the environment, because they are non-biodegradable. Even if they are bio-degradable, their…

  • Green appliances: A new technology for the old planet

    Green appliances: A new technology for the old planet

    With the Eco-friendly demands creeping into our societies, we are all alerted about why and how we need to change our technology to fulfill the needs of Mother Nature. With this, we strive to basically entwine all our daily activities with the green-living strategies. The Eco friendly awareness has attained so much hype that we…



    The issues of climatic change on account of the energy sector,  we can say that they are responsible for  GHG emissions and global warming. But there is always one question arises, that “how do various energy production technologies and energy consumption patterns are affecting the environment. So, the use of renewable energy resources is not…

  • Benefits of coconut water

    Benefits of coconut water

      How many of you rely on artificial health drinks for instant energy? Are you also worried about the quantity of calories and other artificial substances added to these health drinks? Are you looking for a greener healthier alternative? What better refreshment drink do you find in summers than the cool and refreshing coconut water?…

  • Cloud-seeding: The artificial rain !

    Cloud-seeding: The artificial rain !

    Science and technology has advanced so much that there is nothing left undone or unexplored. People have reached the skies, literally. Famines and droughts are strategically given several appropriate solutions that could drive these hindrances away. One of them being cloud seeding. During acute weather conditions where there is a grave scarcity of water, there…

  • The Fukushima Disaster- Are there more to Follow?

    The Fukushima Disaster- Are there more to Follow?

    The nuclear disaster in Japan on 11th March 2011 is considered to be one of the most harmful nuclear disasters ever. The disaster was a failure in three out of the six nuclear reactors at Okuma, Fukushima in Japan. The cause of the failure was a powerful tsunami which hit the site and resulted in…

  • Soul of the Forest- Jadav Payeng

    Soul of the Forest- Jadav Payeng

    While there are many famous personalities in India and around the world, who have achieved success and fame throughout the world with their global ideas, here is a man who has contributed his entire life to forests. With ‘Forester’ as his occupation, Mr. Jadav Payeng is known as the Forest Man of India for being…

  • Benefits of studying Environmental Education.

    Benefits of studying Environmental Education.

    Our nation’s future depends upon the wise and educated citizens who are well informed about all kinds of information from past history to modern science to environment. Let us first know the meaning of the term Environmental Education it is a process that brings an increment in people’s knowledge and make them  aware about the…