Author: Green Blogger
Food Security in times of Climate Change!
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations defines food security is a situation that exists when all people at all times, have physical, economical and social access to safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy lifestyle. Environmental sustainability is also becoming an important concern…
Sports Going Green!
Sports increase the spirit between nations, not only sports help to the economy or helps globalization but somewhere it affects the environment. Now you would think how any sport can affect our environment, while watching sports we may be hard core enthusiast but when it comes to environment we may not be that much interested.…
No Spectacles, No Contact Lenses, No Lasik!
The world is a beautiful place to live in. Colourful, beauty at every step, wonders happening at each stage and we the people are the performers on the stage. The performers need to make sure about a perfect stage. A perfect stage would come into being, only when the artists or spectators have a clear…
Bury the Body NOT Burn
Since ancient times, many civilizations were made, run and then ended but every civilization set a mark over the next and then next. Till now, archaeologists or palaeontologists have a lot of work to do, a lot of stuff to find and a lot of material to decode, to know the pattern followed before, to…
Summer Fruits and their Many Health Benefits
Summer is the time to gorge on some delicious and nutritious fruits that are not available in any other season. Summer fruits are enjoyed by people of all ages throughout the world. Summer fruits are especially healthy, packed with fibre, minerals and vitamins. Some help to beat the heat, while some boost your immunity. Summer…
Man-Made Lands in the Middle of Water: BIG Time Dangerous
Question: What is common between the East Coast Park beach of Singapore and Bandra in Mumbai? Answer: Both are examples of reclaimed land from the sea. This means, there used to be sea water in place of the land that we see now. The entire shoreline in the East Coast Park is man-made and so…
Smoking Thrills but it also Kills
Take a break. Every looked around? What do we see the most? On an average everyday we get to see people- young, old, puffing the most deadly and poisonous substance into their lungs. Smoking is now a new trend, a hippy and cool fashion among the teenagers and youth. Be it happiness or depression, the…
Where there is Smoke: Causes and Effects
Have you ever wondered what that grey blanket could be that envelops our sky nowadays? Well that is smog. Smog is nothing but smoke and fog. Smoke can be the result of natural incidents and man-made events. It is a fire by-product. Unfortunately smog is totally a man generated phenomenon. The smog menace has been…
Recycled Paper- Learn how to make and Use it
‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’ is the new mantra to make the earth a sustainable place to live in. With natural resources being depleted from the face of the earth, it is now up to us to restore what is left and help earth to get back up. The use of items like plastic should be stopped…
Dehydration- the lack of sufficient water in the body
The heat is on! Summer means trips to the beaches, picnics, and planning vacations with family, friends etc but on the other half, it also implies an increased risk of dehydration. With more time spent outside in the sun, there comes an increased risk of not drinking enough liquids. The high temperatures make it hard…