Author: Green Blogger
Tourism (Pollution): Not so Incredible!
‘Look mom! There’s a bunch of deer!’ squealed the 5 year old kindergartener. Piercing through the regular jungle sounds was his excited squeal. It wasn’t much of a happy thing for the deer though, who got startled and darted in the other direction in Jim Corbett National Park. The diaper of the baby was strewn…
Slum menance in Urban areas
Migration of people from villages in hope and desire to live a better life and enjoy the comforts offered by cities and metros is not a new story. They want to do little work and earn large sum of money. They want to move to urban areas and leave behind their ancestral land and get…
Nature has bestowed us with many gifts. They are commonly called as NATURAL RESOURCES. The natural resource has made this planet liveable and have supported the evolution and sustenance of living organisms. Natural resources can be classified as PHYSICAL RESOURCES or BIOTIC RESOURCES and in another way as RENEWABLE or NON RENEWABLE RESOURCES. As India…
‘Will they ever stop that noise?’ yelled the octogenarian Mr. Ganguly to his wife. The neighbors next door were having a house party and playing rock music. The music was so loud that the entire colony could hear it. After circling around on the runway, the airplane finally came to a halt. The passengers got…
Shining Capital City or World’s Most polluted City?
It would not be surprising at all to know that pollution is a central and perpetual problem in India. But it is definitely disheartening when we hear that a country as India so rich in culture and tradition has slipped by 32 ranks in the Global Environment Performance Index (EPI) in this year, 2014. India…
How safe are we really @ home??
We spend one – third of our life sleeping but we spend our entire life breathing. We face a variety of risks in our everyday life. Driving cars, flying in airplanes, engagement in recreational activities, exposure to environment pollutants all pose varying degrees of risk. Some of these are simply unavoidable. We choose to accept…
Make your hair go green- but not literally!
To all the young ladies out there, I’m sure everybody absolutely loves to style and color their hair in different ways and types- crimping, straightening, curling, frizzing, blow drying, streaking- there are a million options nowadays, to make your hair look like they never have before. With so many options available, since it has become…
Laptops-Are they really LAP-tops?
Ironically, the laptops available to us are not supposed to be used kept on the lap. Yes! The device using which you’re reading the blog, is it safe? Are only the mobile phones radiating EMFs harmful? The answers to all these questions will be dealt in this crisp and short piece of writing discussing the…
Mango- the “super fruit” and its health benefits
If there is one thing which is awaited eagerly other than the advent of the monsoon in India, then, undoubtedly, it is the advent of the mango season. The mounds and mounds of fleshy mangoes that inundate the markets each year are the only silver lining to the hot months of summer. Mango is called…
How can Carbon footprint be tracked daily?
Today when we are outside, especially now, the heat makes it unbearable for us to enjoy summer. The temperatures have soared beyond no limits and as kids we have been learning the reason for this- global warming. Global warming is the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which is the…