Author: Green Blogger
Green tea: A heavenly beverage
Sitting at the coffee-shop, savouring every single sip of her green tea, Kruti was transported to a different world. “Earth to Kruti! ,” gasped her friend Rahul.” What magic does that beverage weave?! Every time we go out , there is always that one thing you need , Green tea!!” Kruti grinned and replied ,”…
Climate change – Affected Earth
Let me take you to the future, there is breaking news on your T.V. news channel- “In Himalayas and there is scorching ‘Heat’, It’s raining in Sahara Desert!!” Shocked? But it will soon be a bitter truth for all human beings living on this planet. Ever Increasing human population their needs and wants, which are…
Go Green – Go against Global Warming
The meetings, the tables and the much stipulated agendas that point to a major cause: the global warming have just become mere discussions and are simply not leading to a change in the status quo. The high level talks in the most exotic of places in the world are not proving to be of much…
Cycling – The Greener Alternative
For all the people out there who feel that cycling only exists in the realm of childhood where kids are fascinated by the idea of having a personal bike. Gone are those sdays for us and no longer we are impressed with cycles. Adult are seen swooning over posh and swanky cars but never for…
“Sustainable-Development”, Can these two words really go along?
“Sustainable Development” ever since class VI, children are forced to study a chapter on sustainable development every other year either in their science books or geography books, to such an extent that all of them can parrot the exact definition of sustainable development in almost a second! Many students and scholars have won great many…
Understanding Green Buildings: a way of life!
Cities are coming up at a massive scale across the world, rural infrastructure is being replaced by the modern, urban infrastructure. This is causing a massive push to the construction sector as we see buildings coming up around us all the time. Be it new houses, new office areas, old houses and old buildings being…
Development and Global warming
According to Malthusian theory, there exists a close relationship between population growth and the environment surrounding us. As population in an area increases, there will be more pressure on the resources available which ultimately leads to famine, hunger, environmental degradation and thereby, causes a great impact on the climate. More people means more demand for…
Go Green, this summer save the earth
“Man is a complex being: he makes deserts bloom – and lakes die” – Gil Stern Man, indeed is a very complex being. He works so hard earns all that money he does which is made of trees only to later spend it on conserving the same trees that were cut off to make his…
Global warming: A rising fear
Rising sea levels .Growing wild fires. Unfortunate droughts .Radiating heat waves. All these are the horrifying results of a planet that suffers a quiet turbulence. When the temperature of the earth’s climate system accelerates above a certain average temperature , it results in a critical situation called the ‘global warming’. It mainly pertains to the…
Tips For Energy Efficient Environment
Energy crisis. During a happier time, anyone you mention this phrase to would have laughed it off, not even knowing what it meant. Not realizing that one day, humans running out of energy to fuel their everyday needs could become a reality. But that time is long past now. Nowadays, every time a person hears…