Author: Green Blogger

  • NANOTOXICOLOGY-  assessing the risks of emerging technology

    NANOTOXICOLOGY- assessing the risks of emerging technology

    Nanotechnology is considered as one of the key technologies of the 21st century and promises revolutionizing the world. Only engineered particles such as metal oxides, fullerenes, nanotubes under 100nm fall under the category of nanoparticles. This implies that some particles that occur naturally or are by products of other processes such as carbon black, fire…

  • Energy Conservation Techniques

    Energy Conservation Techniques

    With the electricity bill skyrocketing above your financial horizons, you’re left miserable with nothing but a decision that now seems altogether like a cliché – Save Electricity!!! Before it’s too late and your bank balance turns into a wrecking mediocre empty pot, you need to act. Yes, definitely. Sardonically, it might be for your personal…

  • Pesticide Drift

    Pesticide Drift

    The goal of all applications of pesticides is to reach a specific site and initiate action there. But, this is not always possible. Some pesticides may not reach the target site as required. This phenomenon is known as a Pesticide Drift. We can define pesticide drift as the unintentional airborne movement of pesticides to non-target…

  • Marine Life at Stake!!

    Marine Life at Stake!!

    Marine pollution is the direct or indirect introduction of substances or energy to the marine environment resulting in disadvantageous effect such as hazards to human health, hindrance of marine activities (including fishing), and impairment of the quality of sea water. The ocean is the ultimate sink for most of the waste we produce. It is…

  • Nature photography

    Nature photography

    One photograph can make a fallen, half dead rose in the middle of the road look beautiful. One photograph can show something with the depth that your eyes can never catch. One photograph can be a reason for a sudden smile that crosses your face. One photograph can make you cry. That one photograph holds…

  • Renewable Energy-The Future is Here

    Renewable Energy-The Future is Here

    If you are sitting and looking at a green living site I’m sure you’ve heard all the rantings that go like, “fossil fuels are BAD!! Renewable energy FTW !!” You know what, the Ranters have it absolutely right. Since the age of industrialization, we have been using the combustion of fossil fuels as a source…

  • Flora and Fauna decline: Pollinator Decline

    Flora and Fauna decline: Pollinator Decline

    We have read quite a lot about different methods of pollen grain transfer from flower to flower (cross pollination) or in the same plant (self pollination) in lower classes while we learnt about the whole process of reproduction in plants called pollination. Pollen is a powder made of pollen grains, which produce sperm cells (male…

  • Green Gifting Ideas

    Green Gifting Ideas

    Jaya was rather worried. Her good friend’s birthday was just two days ago and she had no clue what to gift her. Yes, Jaya was one of those who put in a lot of thought into buying presents but ultimately could not end up with a suitable option. When it comes to buying presents for…

  • Environmental impacts of Meat Consumption

    Environmental impacts of Meat Consumption

    Being a vegetarian will help prevent animal cruelty for obvious reasons but are you aware of the environmental consequences of a meat-eating diet? If not, then you should be aware of the startling fact that meat-eating is considered to be the second-biggest environmental hazard facing the Earth! The production of meat consumes large amounts of…

  • Plastic Recycling codes

    Plastic Recycling codes

    Have you ever wondered what does the following sign on a plastic bottle mean?   It is a recycling symbol or a PIC (plastic Identification Code), a triangle with a number from 1 to 7 inside. Each number represents a different type of plastic, and some numbers are easier to recycle than others.The PIC was…