Author: Green Blogger
Water Scarcity: The Scare.
Water Scarcity: The Scare. Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking…
Green Living- Towards a Better Future
It is a sad truth that as our environment is slowly withering away to ruins; most people are not even bothered about it. Pollution, green house gases, cutting down trees and industrialisation are just a few of the hundred dreadful human deeds that are leading the earth towards total destruction. Many people lead normal happy…
Mobile Phones and Cancer: Are They Linked?
If you have no clue so as to what radiation is, the let me do the initial bit of explaining. It is the energy that is traveling through space and it takes a form of waves or particles and it has been around forever, only we have learned to deal with it by virtue of…
Human Evolution and Population Growth.
HUMAN EVOLUTION AND POPULATION GROWTH. As we all know, the root cause for environmental degradation may be traced to human activities. You all may also understand that the environmental degradation has not occurred overnight, but has grown with this growing population and the progress of civilization. So, in this article, we will discuss about the…
Water Scarcity: A Short Story
We have grown up with the notion of wastage of natural resources like water, air, land etc. in ways that can only be termed as destruction of earth’s storehouse of energy. Earth’s resources do not make up a handful of property and is a matter of countries, oceans, continents etc. and you will be…
Mining: Why a Threat?
What is mining? Mining is the extraction of valuable materials, extraction of metal from the surface and below the earth from an ore body, lode, vein, stem or reef which has an economic impact for the miner. It is also the extraction of non-renewable resources such as crude oil, petroleum, etc. The…
WANTED! Organic Green Revolution
Green revolution that happened in India in the 1960s involved high yielding seeds of wheat, rice and maize; fertilizers, pesticides; machines and irrigation technology. But overuse of these same chemicals has exhausted soil’s productive capacity, too much use of fertilizers has had adverse environmental effects. Thus to feed the world and to restore ecological health…
ACID RAIN: A DEATH CALL. Acid rain refers to rain, or any form of precipitation that is acidic in nature, which means it contains hazardous compounds and causes a low pH leve (contains elevated levels of hydrogen ions). Acid rain has harmful effects on plants, animals and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by emissions of…
Harming Animals: Harming Environment: Harming Ourselves
The nature has this wonderful systematic structural way of working. How every being on earth is dependent on the other and these is this perfect ecosystem in place. However, we myopic humans, who tend to believe that we are the masters of the nature are constantly working towards damaging this structure without realizing that it…
Homemade Eco-Friendly Items that Make Great Gifts
Buying a present for a loved one is not always an easy job to do. You spend hours to find that perfect gift. Be it an anniversary, a birthday or a wedding, gifts are indispensable in all of them. You tend to spend loads of money on a present, but have you ever given a…