Tag: health problems
The Ozone Layer – Your Invisible Protection
Are you the kind of person who likes a nice, quiet walk? Or the kind who likes to be out of the house every evening? Do you believe in an invisible protector? Believe it or not, you do have one. The only reason you can go out anywhere without erupting into boils and rashes is…
Overpopulation: The impact on our environment
With the accelerated rate of increase of the population in the world, our Mother Earth herself is undergoing a massive crisis by the various threats of ‘Overpopulation’ .The word alone spills the intended message. Every 12 years, there are one billion people added to our globe. The main problem due to this is overcrowding and…
The Sacred Ganges
It’s another auspicious day, you have accompanied your family to take a dip in the holy river. It was a long journey, but the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, there is a temple bell chiming softly in the distance. You step onto the banks, your toes teasing the water. You are about to…
Green tea: A heavenly beverage
Sitting at the coffee-shop, savouring every single sip of her green tea, Kruti was transported to a different world. “Earth to Kruti! ,” gasped her friend Rahul.” What magic does that beverage weave?! Every time we go out , there is always that one thing you need , Green tea!!” Kruti grinned and replied ,”…
Is Green Living actually Implemented?
So there is this one question which makes me curious . How many people know what is green living and are they aware of what are they doing to help improve it. Having the knowledge and implementing it are two different things. From my observation, I can tell that most of us have the knowledge…
Acid rain: The Ugly Truth
Rain .The word alone radiates freshness. But, what if this rain turns into an intoxicating, lethal fluid that would pour its atrocious devastating impact on us? Yes, we are talking about the acid rain ! What exactly is acid rain? It is actually a precipitation that’s interspersed with nitric and sulphuric acids in great amounts…
The Rise of Environmentalists
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed”, Mahatma Gandhi once said. It’s this environmental awareness that’s inexplicably procured a growing hype and has given birth to several environmentalists over the years. You might be frivolous towards the various environmental issues that reign now, but wouldn’t it be wise to…
My Water, your Water
He goes about wasting water, buckets after buckets. He thinks that the entire responsibility to clean the staircase and the world is on his shoulders. He would clean his car by pouring water from the top of his terrace. He would keep the entire world clean (except himself). He believes that he owns all the…
Health is Wealth – Really?
The STATEMENT “health is wealth” adds a large meaning to our life as health is most valuable and precious for every individual. Good health means not only a state of being disease free but it also means the individual is physically mentally and spiritually fit. and if it is not ..if the human is not…
The Vital Importance of Shopping Bags
It is common for a green-living website to have something up about plastic. This site is no different. But that’s a good thing. Plastic bags are so common now I can bet you don’t even give them a second thought. Until they start over-running your house that is. The most popular solution at that point…