Author: Green Blogger

  • No Big Fish: Over-Fishing Woes

    No Big Fish: Over-Fishing Woes

    Remember that floral shirt wearing, hat donned tourist in the middle of a boat with a big slippery fish held proudly across his chest? Of course everyone remembers such a scene. But that’s just a fish or two. The real monster is that big ugly trawler with a score of men aboard, with heavy machinery…

  • Cheap ways to go green- and awesome!

    Cheap ways to go green- and awesome!

    So, when we talk about being environment-conscious and all, we go all “No man, it’s not for me! Besides, I’m not rich enough to buy cotton worth three thousand bucks. I’d rather shop at Causeway!” But the point is, that is a notion that misleads us. How can becoming one with the earth that bears…

  • Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!

    Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!

    With an increase in the number of vehicles and the harmful release of gases, our green environment claims are sure to go up in fumes. That is when the idea of a ‘green vehicle’ comes into the scenario. What is a green vehicle? It can also be termed as an environmentally- friendly vehicle that doesn’t…

  • Carbon dioxide Sequestration

    Carbon dioxide Sequestration

    Over the last century, human activities had a profound impact on the environment. Fossil fuel consumption, deforestation and other unsustainable land use practices have resulted in a dramatic increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere leading to various serious environmental issues like global warming, acid rain, etc. Most studies and…

  • Exercise your way to being Healthy

    Exercise your way to being Healthy

    One usually associates exercise with a well-toned body, bulky biceps and tight fitting t-shirts. Exercise is more than that. Wikipedia defines exercise as any physical or bodily activity that maintains or enhances health and overall wellness. Miriam Webster defines exercise as a movement or a series of movements that are done to become stronger and…

  • Green furniture: Elegance redefined !

    Green furniture: Elegance redefined !

    Everyone longs to have fine intricate furniture endowed with some of the most fascinating details and looks. But, in a world where the environment is readily getting damaged by the numerous techniques of urbanization, don’t you think that buying ‘green’ furniture with the details of your choice, should play the trick and fortunately, drive you…

  • The Green Revolution

    The Green Revolution

    The origination of the term Green Revolution is attributed to an American scientist, Norman Borlaug . He was indulged in a research in the 1940’s to produce high-yield varieties of wheat that could provide resistance to diseases. In the year 1960, Mexico became an exporter of wheat. Consequently, the green revolution technologies were encouraged in…

  • Learn the truth behind common health myths

    Learn the truth behind common health myths

    Health is a concern for all. We live in an age where we are faced with new and increasing health challenges every day. That is the reason why we have become so conscious of our health- striving to keep our body functions working at every step. Things like health drinks and vitamin supplements are abundant…

  • The Sacred Ganges

    The Sacred Ganges

    It’s another auspicious day, you have accompanied your family to take a dip in the holy river. It was a long journey, but the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, there is a temple bell chiming softly in the distance. You step onto the banks, your toes teasing the water. You are about to…

  • Tips to grow your own organic garden

    Tips to grow your own organic garden

    Vegetables and fruits should be an integral part of one’s diet. It gives the much needed vitamins and minerals that keeps our body fit and strong. But what if they become our killers? The alarmingly increased amount of insecticides and pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables proves this too. This is not only fatal to…