Category: Going Green
9 basic steps to start living green
Let us start with a question, just see around you and analyse, is there anything natural or organic? Bitter truth, but we can hardly find anything untill we move to our kitchen maybe. Our busy-life-make-it-easy mind set does not leave us with many options to have a eco-friendly lifestyle. But then we can definately try,…
The Ozone Layer – Your Invisible Protection
Are you the kind of person who likes a nice, quiet walk? Or the kind who likes to be out of the house every evening? Do you believe in an invisible protector? Believe it or not, you do have one. The only reason you can go out anywhere without erupting into boils and rashes is…
One Solution to Many Problems: Nature Answers
The increasing complexity of our modern lives demands a deep need within for simplifying, slowing down and reconnecting with the natural world. We are so busy with our work that we ignore small things that have a great impact on us. Our fore-fathers were committed to a natural way of living. Everything they consumed or…
Green vehicles: Driving into a new era!
With an increase in the number of vehicles and the harmful release of gases, our green environment claims are sure to go up in fumes. That is when the idea of a ‘green vehicle’ comes into the scenario. What is a green vehicle? It can also be termed as an environmentally- friendly vehicle that doesn’t…
Carbon dioxide Sequestration
Over the last century, human activities had a profound impact on the environment. Fossil fuel consumption, deforestation and other unsustainable land use practices have resulted in a dramatic increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere leading to various serious environmental issues like global warming, acid rain, etc. Most studies and…
Green furniture: Elegance redefined !
Everyone longs to have fine intricate furniture endowed with some of the most fascinating details and looks. But, in a world where the environment is readily getting damaged by the numerous techniques of urbanization, don’t you think that buying ‘green’ furniture with the details of your choice, should play the trick and fortunately, drive you…
The Sacred Ganges
It’s another auspicious day, you have accompanied your family to take a dip in the holy river. It was a long journey, but the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, there is a temple bell chiming softly in the distance. You step onto the banks, your toes teasing the water. You are about to…
Tips to grow your own organic garden
Vegetables and fruits should be an integral part of one’s diet. It gives the much needed vitamins and minerals that keeps our body fit and strong. But what if they become our killers? The alarmingly increased amount of insecticides and pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables proves this too. This is not only fatal to…
Climate change – Affected Earth
Let me take you to the future, there is breaking news on your T.V. news channel- “In Himalayas and there is scorching ‘Heat’, It’s raining in Sahara Desert!!” Shocked? But it will soon be a bitter truth for all human beings living on this planet. Ever Increasing human population their needs and wants, which are…
Go Green – Go against Global Warming
The meetings, the tables and the much stipulated agendas that point to a major cause: the global warming have just become mere discussions and are simply not leading to a change in the status quo. The high level talks in the most exotic of places in the world are not proving to be of much…